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Tuesday 22 September 2015

How Ladies Push Their Man Away Unknowingly

A lot of ladies find making their man happy
very difficult. Some even feel making a guy
happy is tied only to sex but it is worthy of
remembrance that a lot of girls open their
legs daily and this still doesn't make the men
happy enough to stay with them. Maybe for
the minute he wants to experience the
excitement of your bosom but appreciating
a guy is one thing most ladies overlook.
The number of ladies crying "he broke my
heart" would reduce drastically if ladies
stopped living their lives like its a fairy tale
1. Insecurity: no matter how insecure you
are, its no reason to disrespect your man.
Two captains can sail one sheep. Its hard to
keep your calm especially if he has a lot of
girls are around but shouting and insulting
him won't make him pay more attention to
you. You simply would be giving him more
reasons to look out.
2: Appreciation: never underestimate the
power of appreciation. If your man takes
good care of you, use ever chance you have
got to let him know he's doing a good job.
If he looks cute in the morning tell him. If he
showers you with gift, thank him. If he
listens when you need a friend, be grateful.
When you cry and he hugs you, embrace
him. A man won't go looking for what he
already has. When ladies point out more
faults they are pointing at another lady to
take their place.
3. The baby in every man: there is a baby in
every man that comes to light when he is
with the woman he loves the most. Don't
see this as weakness. No matter how bad a
man feels or angry or disappointed its the
duty of the woman in his life to bring out
the baby in him and know just how to calm
the baby. You can't run away every time he's
in a bad mood and expect to keep him.
4. Making him feel at home: around you, he
doesn't want who to judge him but he
needs someone who sees his strength not
the weakness.
There are a couple of things ladies do
without realising they are sending the men
in their lives packing.
- challenging his authority as a man.
-always winning.
- being bossy.
Funniest part is, they always have an excuse
and it is always this is who I am. Who you
are is who you decided to be. There is
always room for change especially when
you make up your mind to be with the
person. You must understand a man will
always be the man irrespective of what you
bring to the table.
Realizing that there is a difference between
an humble woman and a silly one will hel
you better appreciate that a man is your
superior but you are his partner and never
try to be the man especially when you know
he really loves you and wants the best for

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