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Saturday 19 September 2015

8 Ways To Identify Carry Over Students In Campus

Students are scared when checking their results in order not to be a
victim of carry over grade which apart from the burden they will bear
for the next level, insult from their juniors is enough to ruin their
It is however obvious to spot them in campus which is the aim of this
article and let's take a look on ways to identify such students.

* Insult lecturers on regular basis

Carry over students view both good and bad lecturers as enemies by
abusing and bashing them from all angles. Most times they are the ones
who sit at the back of auditorium during lecture period causing
distraction and blaming lecturers for their misfortunes.

*Struggled and stressed looks

This feature is obvious when you see carry over students. Owing to the
fact that life is not fair to them on campus, they look worried and
tattered due to too much thinking, long lectures period and less
sleeping hours.

*Violence flow in their blood

The life of a carry over student is so frustrating that anything can
steer up anger in their life. Due to the precipitated bitterness in
their blood, they become captain during "aluta protest" along side
with their bedevilled colleagues.

* Unfriendly attitude

Larger percentage of carry over students possess introvert attitude
that makes it difficult for them to socialise. Suggesting any form of
entertainment to cool their nerves is like mission impossible for

* Single relationship status

It's difficult to see a carry over student in a relationship which is
more synonymous to guys. If eventually he steps up his game to woo a
lady, she will ridicule, condemn and bash the hell out of his life.

*Bond with efikos and giraffe at exam hall

This is very common at exam hall as carry over students form covalent
bond with intelligent students to save them from academic
embarrassment. Also they frequently giraffe during exam using angle of
depression mechanism.

*Hand outs are always littered in their rooms

The room of carry over students can be likened to the dust bin at
ojota in lagos. Because of the bulk of courses they offered per
semester, various hand outs are always littered on their bed,
wardrobe, floor, kitchen and even toilet if care is not taken.

*Disgusting outfits and terrible body odour

Some carry over students always look un kept with bad body odour and
funny outfits since they care less about their well being. Also, they
hardly make their hairs, shave and sometimes skip brushing their

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