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Saturday 19 September 2015

5 Ways Tablets Are Better Than Laptops Or Smartphones

Tablets are thin and light. If you have a MacBook Air, or an
ultrabook, the distinction may not seem as significant, but when it
comes to most laptops, a tablet is thinner, lighter, and more portable
by a long shot. When you’re carrying around a bag all day, the
difference between one pound and five pounds adds up. Speaking of
bags, most laptops require their own luggage to transport from Point A
to Point B, but you can grab a tablet on your way out the door like
you’re picking up your keys or sunglasses.
The tablet may not be as versatile as a laptop in the functionality
department, but it is significantly better than a smartphone. Tablets
have larger displays that give you more real estate to get real work
done. In fact, with larger tablets the display is on par with smaller
laptops, allowing you to get more done. Of course, the virtual
keyboard uses up half the display, so you have less screen to work
with when you’re actually working. Regardless, though, tablets beat
smartphones when it comes to being productive.
3.Less Cumbersome
Have you ever tried to get work done on a laptop while riding in a
taxi, or during a flight? It’s not fun. It is a project to lug the
device out, and then you have to find some relatively flat, stable
surface to set it on. It has to be flipped open to view the display or
type on the keyboard, so that rules out any use while walking around
(at least for anyone with common sense). A tablet is easy to just turn
on and use in any environment.
4.Battery Life
Most tablets have battery life that is far better than laptops.
Laptops are steadily improving in the longevity department, but most
would still struggle to make it through a full work day, and many
won’t make it to lunch. Tablets on the other hand, seem to last
forever even when pushed to the limits.
A tablet sits somewhere between the smartphone and laptop in most
areas, and flexibility is no exception. In many ways, a tablet can
fill the role of a laptop and perform most, if not all, of the same
functions. But, the tablet is also more versatile. Most can take
photos, or shoot videos in addition to allowing video chat and
conferencing. They also work nicely as e-readers (or in some cases the
e-reader has evolved into a tablet) for accessing an entire library of
books on the go. Some of these things are technically possible, but
ridiculous in a practical sense with a notebook.
A tablet is ideal for some tasks, and suitable for many, but there are
still a variety of scenarios where a laptop or smartphone might be a
better choice. Consider the pros and cons of each mobile device, and
choose the best tool for the task at hand.

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