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Tuesday 22 September 2015

22 Reasons To Never Give Up

At some point in the various journeys we embark on in our lives, we
get to a part where we feel like giving up. Sometimes we give up
before we even start and other times we give up just before we are
about to make that huge break-through that we have been putting so
much effort in to achieve.

I have created this list of 22 reasons why you should never give up
and I hope that you will find it before you give up, so that I can
inspire you to keep going!

1- As Long As You Are Alive Anything Is Possible
The only valid excuse you have to give up is if you are dead. As long
as you are alive (and healthy and free) you have the choice to keep
trying until you finally succeed.

2- Be Realistic
The chance of mastering something the first time you do it is almost
non-existent. Everything takes time to learn and you will make
mistakes. Learn from them.

3- Michael Jordan
Arguably the best basketball player of all time. He attributes his
success to all his failures. He just never gave up even when he knew
he had missed over 300 shots and had missed the  winning shot of the
game many times. Every time he got knocked down he got back up again.

4- Lance Armstrong
Lance was diagnosed with serious cancer that had spread throughout his
entire body. He had cancer cells the size of golf balls in his lungs.
Despite all odds he overcame the cancer and set out to win the Tour de
France 6 Consecutive years in a row.

5- Muhammad Ali
“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”. Muhammad Ali is one of the
best boxers the world has ever known. He suffered only 5 losses while
having 56 wins and was the first boxer to win the lineal heavyweight
championship three times. This is a guy who literally knows how to get
knocked down and get back up.

6- The Man Who Created The Marathon
Very long ago an Athenian herald was sent to Sparta to get help when
the Persians landed in Greece. It was said that he ran 240km in 2 days
and after that he ran 40km to announce the victory of the Greeks only
to collapse and die on the spot from exhaustion. If you ever feel like
things are difficult, imagine what it would be like to run 240km in 2
days. (Don’t try that because you might die from it, but use it as an

7- Chris Gardner – The Pursuit of Happiness
Have you seen the movie “The Pursuit of Happiness”? It is based on the
life story of Chris Gardener, a man who went for the lowest of the
lows in an environment where most people would give up (no money, no
job) to the highest of the highs (A millionaire with his own
investment firm). If you ever think about giving up, watch this movie!

8- Kanye West
I’m pretty sure you have heard of the rapper Kanye West. Read his
story. He is a big inspiration for me and proves that you can go from
having very little to being among the most famous and respected people
in the world.

9- Nelson Mandela
Campaigned for justice and freedom in his South Africa. Spent 20 years
in jail for his opposition to apartheid. On release he healed the
wounds of apartheid by his magnanimous attitude toward his former
political enemies.

10- You Are Strong
You are stronger than you think. One little setback is not enough to
stop you from achieving your goals. Neither are 10 or 100 or 1000

11- Prove Yourself
You don’t want to be known as someone that is weak and gives up. Go
out there and prove yourself to the world and to yourself. You CAN and
WILL achieve what you set out to do. The only time you fail is when
you give up.

12- Has It Been Done Before?
If someone else can do it then so can you. Even if it is only one
other person in the world that has achieved what you have set out to
achieve, that should be reason enough for you to never give up.

13- Believe In Your Dreams
Don’t sell yourself short. In life there are going to be many people
who will try to bring you down and tell you what you want to achieve
is not possible. Don’t let anyone destroy your dreams.
14- Your Family and Friends.
Let the people you love and who mean the world to you be your
inspiration to persist and persevere. Maybe you need to try a
different angle, study more or practice more but don’t give up!

15- Because I Tell You To.
Not that I am any sort of guru or Godly figure, but if you want to
give up then don’t. Just because I’m telling you not to.

16- There Are People Worse-Off
Right now there are many people who are in a worse situation and
environment than you are right now. Are you thinking about giving up
running 5 miles a week? Think about the people who are unable to even
walk and how much they would give to be able to run 5 miles every day.

17- Improve Our World
When you achieve whatever you set out to achieve you can use your
success to make a difference to the world or other peoples lives.

18- Get Rich or Die Trying
Like Fiddy (50 cent) says, “Get rich or die trying”. 50 Cent is rich,
he made it (although he did get shot 9 times). Face your fears and
don’t take the easy way out by giving up.

19- Let The Haters Hate
There will always be haters. There will always be plenty of naysayers
and people who try to tear you down. Don’t pay attention to them and
don’t take what they say to heart. Let the haters hate and you keep
believing in yourself.

20- You Deserve To Be Happy
Don’t ever let anybody tell you otherwise. You deserve to be happy and
you deserve to have success. Keep that mindset and never give up until
you reach your destination!

21- Inspire Others
Be an inspiration to others by refusing to give up. Who knows what
someone else can achieve because you never gave up and in turn
inspired them not to give up.

22- You Are So Close
Often when you feel like you want to give up and you are about to give
up you are so close to making a huge break-thru. Seth Godin has
written an awesome book about this called “The Dip” – a riveting read
that teaches that at any given time you are always just a heartbeat
away from success.

35 Quotes About Perseverance and Never Giving Up

The temptation to give up is a common
one, and nobody is exempt. Failure isn't
something many of us can handle
gracefully. And even though we know it's
a common human condition, we're
somehow always surprised when it
happens to us.
Following are 35 quotes you can read the
next time you feel as though you want to
give up. Reminding yourself that loss of
hope is temporary might just compel you
to pick yourself up and move forward.
1. Courage doesn't always roar.
Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at
the end of the day saying 'I will try again
--Mary Anne Radmacher, American author
and artist
2. Fall seven times and stand up eight.
--Japanese Proverb
3. It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I
stay with problems longer.
--Albert Einstein (1879-1955), physicist
and developer of the theory of relativity
4. Many of life's failures are people who
did not realize how close they were to
success when they gave up.
--Thomas Edison (1874-1931), inventor of
the light bulb
5. Failure is only the opportunity to begin
again, this time more intelligently.
--Henry Ford (1863-1947), founder of Ford
Motor Company
6. A failure is not always a mistake. It may
simply be the best one can do under the
circumstances. The real mistake is to stop
--B.F. Skinner (1904-1990), American
7. Ask yourself this question: 'Will this
matter a year from now?'
--Richard Carlson, American
psychotherapist and author of Don't
Sweat the Small Stuff
8. What if I told you that 10 years from
now, your life would be exactly the same?
I doubt you'd be happy. So, why are you
so afraid of change?
--Karen Salmansohn, best-selling self-help
9. As I look back on my life, I realize that
every time I thought I was being rejected
from something good, I was actually
being redirected to something better.
--Dr. Steve Maraboli, speaker and author
10. Success is the sum of small efforts,
repeated day in and day out.
--Robert Collier (1885-1950), American
self-help author
11. It does not matter how slowly you go
so long as you do not stop.
--Confucius (551-479 BC), philosopher
12. Never confuse a single defeat with a
final defeat.
--F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940), American
13. Perseverance is the hard work you do
after you get tired of doing the hard work
you already did.
--Newt Gingrich (1943- ), American
politician, historian, and author
14. Perseverance is failing 19 times and
succeeding the 20th.
--Julie Andrews (1935- ), English film and
stage actress
15. Through perseverance many people
win success out of what seemed destined
to be certain failure.
--Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), British
politician and writer
16. Success seems to be largely a matter of
hanging on after others have let go.
--William Feather (1889-1981), American
17. Develop success from failures.
Discouragement and failure are two of the
surest stepping stones to success.
--Dale Carnegie (1888-1955), world-
renowned author and speaker
18. Failure is often that early morning
hour of darkness which precedes the
dawning of the day of success.
--Leigh Mitchell Hodges (1876-1954),
journalist and poet
19. We will either find a way or make one.
--Hannibal (247-182 BC), Carthaginian
20. It always seems impossible until it's
--Nelson Mandela (1918-2013), South
African anti-apartheid leader
21. The best way out is always through.
--Robert Frost (1874-1963), American
22. A winner is just a loser who tried one
more time.
--George M. Moore Jr. (1862-1940),
Member U.S. House of Representatives
23. I don't know the key to success, but
the key to failure is trying to please
--Bill Cosby (1937- ), comedian and actor
24. Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not
to have tried is the true failure.
--George Edward Woodberry (1855-1930),
American poet
25. When you get into a tight place and
everything goes against you … never give
up then, for that is just the place and time
that the tide will turn.
--Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896),
American abolitionist and author
26. The man who moves a mountain
begins by carrying away small stones.
--Confucius (551-479 BC), philosopher
27. I am a slow walker, but I never walk
--Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16
President of the United States
28. Every strike brings me closer to the
next home run.
--Babe Ruth (1895-1948), baseball legend
29. Courage is not having the strength to
go on; it is going on when you don't have
the strength.
--Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26
President of the United States
30. Character consists of what you do on
the third and fourth tries.
--James A. Michener (1907-1997),
American author
31. Perseverance is not a long race; it is
many short races one after the other.
--Walter Elliot (1888-1958), Scottish
32. The only courage that matters is the
kind that gets you from one moment to
the next.
--Mignon McLaughlin (1913-1983),
American journalist and author
33. Let me tell you the secret that has led
to my goal. My strength lies solely in my
--Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), scientist and
inventor of the pasteurization process
34. I was taught the way of progress is
neither swift nor easy.
--Marie Curie (1867-1934), French
physicist and two-time winner of the
Nobel Prize
35. Success is not final, failure is not fatal:
It is the courage to continue that counts.
--Winston Churchill (1874-1965), former
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Looking for more inspiration to help you
succeed? See my post This Personality
Trait Leads to Wealth and Happiness; Do
You Have It?
What's your favorite "never give up"
quote? Share it with us below!

Top 20 Safe Driving Tips

Hitting the road on your next trip? Whether
you're heading to Grandma's with the kids
or hitting Route 66 for a cross-country
jaunt, don't leave home without our tried
and tested driving tips. Read on to learn
more about avoiding traffic, saving money,
and staying safe (and staying awake!) on
your next road trip.
1. Before beginning a long drive, always get
enough sleep and eat something before you
go. Highly caffeinated beverages are not
necessarily the best way to stay awake while
driving. While initially you will feel more alert,
the effects can recede with time, and your
attention may wander although you remain
2. Pull over and take breaks every couple of
hours, even if you don't feel sleepy. Grab a
snack, get some fresh air, and stretch your
legs by walking around. If you need to, take
a quick nap.
3. If you can, share the driving
responsibilities with someone else. This will
allow you to keep an eye on each other
while driving and also enable you to nap
without losing time. If you're driving alone,
turn on the radio or put on some music, and
keep your window cracked open. You may
also want to refrain from using your cruise
control if you're driving alone at night --
having to concentrate on maintaining your
speed can help you stay awake.
4. If you do have to pull over, move your
vehicle off the road. Never park on the
shoulder or in the breakdown lane for any
reason except an emergency.
The Eight Best U.S. Road Trips
5. Know the laws along your route
concerning cell phone use while driving.
While it may be legal in one place, it may be
illegal in another, and ignorance is not
typically an acceptable excuse for a violation.
Here's a handy chart of cell phone laws by
state (keep in mind that this information can
change at any time). However, even if it's
legal to talk on a cell phone where you're
going, it's usually safest to use a hands-free
6. If you don't know this one, shame on you.
Never drink any alcohol before your trip.
While you may not become intoxicated from
one beer, you will become sleepy.
Save on Your Next Car Rental
7. Keep an eye on the skies, and if you can,
plan a route around inclement weather. A
minor detour could actually wind up saving
you major time.
8. Search the Web for traffic update sites
and listen to radio traffic alerts, especially
when approaching major cities. If you don't
have a smartphone, all-news stations on the
AM dial are often your best bet.
9. Not even a GPS unit is infallible, so we
recommend bringing a detailed map or road
atlas as a backup just in case. A mapping
app on your smartphone is another must-
have for long road trips.
10. If you are driving a rental vehicle,
familiarize yourself with the car and all of its
equipment (horn, brakes, hazard lights). For
an amusing but true look at this issue, see
The First 10 Minutes of Your Car Rental.
Plan Your Road Trip
11. Lock all of your valuables (especially
items that are clearly gifts) in the trunk or
glove compartment and stow all luggage in
the trunk. For more ideas, see Nine Ways to
Keep Your Car Safe on the Road.
12. Familiarize yourself with local traffic
laws, which vary from state to state and
especially overseas. Is it legal to make a right
turn at a red light? What are the rules on
yielding to pedestrians? For more on
international car travel, see Renting a Car
13. Before setting off on a long car trip, be
sure your vehicle is in prime condition --
that tires are properly inflated, all fluids are
at their proper levels and you have a full
tank of gas. (For particularly long road trips,
you may want to have your mechanic do a
more thorough check.)
14. Consider becoming a member of AAA or
signing up for your car insurer's roadside
assistance program. You won't regret it
when your car breaks down on a lonely
back road.
15. Keep costs down by conserving gas as
you drive. Minimize sudden starts and stops,
empty your car of all unnecessary weight,
and slow down -- it takes much less fuel to
drive 55 miles an hour than it does to drive
70. For more ideas, see Save Gas and Money.
16. Don't wait until your gas gauge is sitting
on E to refuel. On an unfamiliar road, you
never know when the next gas station will
appear. As soon as you hit a quarter of a
tank, start looking for a place to fill up.
17. When traveling with kids, be sure to stop
often -- not just for snacks and potty breaks,
but also for fun. See a cool playground along
the way? Pull over and throw a Frisbee
around. You'll also want to pack toys, books
and music for the car -- not to mention your
motion sickness remedy of choice. For more
ideas, see Family Car Travel.
18. Feeling munchy? Stock up on snacks and
drinks at grocery stores rather than gas
stations or convenience stores -- you'll get a
wider and healthier selection, as well as
better prices. For more advice, see Eating
Well and Staying Active.
19. On longer trips, keep napkins,
plasticware and a small cooler handy for
meals on the go. You'll also want some
spare change for tolls, as well as a first-aid
kit, flashlight, pillow and blanket. Keep a set
of jumper cables, a spare tire or donut, and
extra fluids for the car (such as windshield
wiper fluid) in your trunk.
20. This last tip should go without saying,
but it's important enough that we'll say it
anyway: Make sure everyone in the car
buckles his or her seatbelt. Not only will it
keep you safe, but in many places it's also
the law.

Foods That Keep You Healthy from Head to Toe

There are many motivations for sticking
with a healthy diet. Eating more of the good
stuff (and less of the junky stuff) can help
you prevent cancer, extend your lifespan,
protect your heart and manage your weight.
But one thing we don't always remember is
that your diet affects not just your weight,
but your body from the top down, the inside
to the outside. Your body transforms the
foods you eat into the cells that make up
your hair, nails, skin and bones, along with
your brain, heart, blood and joints. You
literally are what you eat.
Here are some of the key nutrients that keep
your body in tiptop shape from head to toe.
At its staggering growth rate of 0.4
millimeters per day, it takes more than 2
years to grow 12 inches of hair. Add lean
meats and beans to your diet to make the
most of every millimeter. These foods will
also give you zinc to help keep your body in
hormone balance and prevent hair loss. B-
vitamins from leafy greens, peas, tomatoes
and carrots also support cell growth for
healthy hair.
Boost your brainpower by noshing on foods
with high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption
Capacity) scores—a sign that the food is rich
in disease-fighting antioxidants. Plums,
cherries, avocadoes, berries, navel oranges
and red grapes top the ORAC charts. (Glance
through the alphabetical list for more
disease-fighting ratings at
Considering your brain is about 80% water,
drink at least 64 ounces of water per day.
Essential fatty acids (named "essential"
because your body cannot make them) help
you grow brain cells and stay sharp, so feed
your brain with regular doses of fish, nuts,
seeds, avocado, and olive oil.
Good nutrition can keep your peepers
peppy throughout the years. The
antioxidants for brain health also help the
eyes, but really keep your eye on including
foods with lutein and zeazanthin
(pronounced zay-a-za-thin). These
carotenoids, found in spinach, collard
greens and kale, protect the retina from
macular degeneration.
Teeth & Bones
Everyone knows you need calcium for bone
health, but are you getting enough? Most
adults need between 1,000 and 1,200
milligrams of calcium daily. Low-fat milk,
cheese, yogurt, almonds, spinach and
soybeans are all good sources of dietary
calcium. And calcium doesn't act alone! Its
partner-in-crime is vitamin D, which is
necessary for proper calcium absorption.
Some fish and eggs provide this key vitamin,
but there are not many natural food sources
of this bone builder. Instead, vitamin-D is
often added to milk, margarine and some
breads and cereals.
Put a wiggle in your walk with gelatin and
vitamin C. These nutrients are key
precursors to collagen, the material that
cushions our joints and keeps our tendons
and connective tissue strong. Gelatin can be
found in powdered supplement form or in
your basic Jell-O mix. Boost your vitamin C
intake with fruits and veggies, especially
strawberries, oranges, pineapple,
cauliflower and green peppers .
Soy and flaxseed both pack double punches
when it comes to heart protection. Soymilk,
edamame, tofu and other soy products are
packed with cholesterol-lowering
phytochemicals and heart healthy soluble
fiber. Flaxseed is also another source of
soluble fiber that comes with a side of
omega-3 fatty acids, which may help reduce
your risk of heart disease. Sprinkle some
ground flaxseed in your oatmeal or yogurt,
or even add it to your favorite baking recipe.
Protect your gut with probiotics. These
powerful little bacteria support the natural
environment in your intestine and combat
disease-causing microorganisms. You can
find yogurt, kefir and milk supplemented
with probiotics. They are often under the
name L. Acidophilus.
Fiber is also essential to a healthy gut. Whole
grains, especially oats and bran, beans, nuts,
fruits and vegetables can help you reach
your goal. Getting your daily 20-35 grams of
fiber keeps your gut and colon health
moving in the right direction.
We'll wrap it all up, literally, with nutrition for
the skin. It is important to nourish your
body's largest organ. Maintain disease-free
and healthy looking skin with alpha-lipoic
acid (ALA). This antioxidant is more
powerful than vitamins C and E, and protects
your skin cells from damage and many of
the elements it's exposed to each day. Get
your fair share of ALA with spinach, broccoli
and beef. Vitamins C, E, K, and A, as well as B-
vitamins are also important for radiant,
nourished skin. Enjoying a variety of colorful
fruits and vegetables can help you reach the
recommended amount of these vitamins.

Tips for healthy hair

How you wash your hair and the products
you use can go a long way toward
maintaining smooth, shiny hair. Follow these
simple tips from dermatologists to maintain
healthy hair.
1. Wash oily hair more frequently. How often
you wash your hair should be based on
how much oil your scalp produces.
If your scalp is oily, you may need to wash it
as often as once a day.
If you have chemically treated hair, your hair
may be drier, so you may want to wash it
less frequently.
As you get older, your scalp makes less oil,
so you may not need to shampoo as often.
But if you see flakes in your hair, you may
not be shampooing enough. This can lead to
dandruff and other scalp diseases.
2. Concentrate shampoo on the scalp. When
washing your hair, concentrate on cleaning
primarily the scalp, rather than washing the
entire length of hair. Washing only your hair
can create flyaway hair that is dull and
3. Use conditioner after every shampoo unless
you use a “2-in-1” shampoo, which cleans
and conditions hair. Using a conditioner can
significantly improve the look of damaged
or weathered hair by increasing shine,
decreasing static electricity, improving
strength and offering some protection from
harmful UV rays.
4. Concentrate conditioner on the tips of the
hair. Because conditioners can make fine
hair look limp, they only should be used on
the tips of the hair and not on the scalp or
length of the hair.
5. Choose a shampoo and conditioner
formulated specifically for your hair type. For
example, if you color your hair, use a
shampoo designed for color-treated hair. If
your hair is damaged or chemically treated,
consider a “2-in-1” shampoo. Regardless of
cost, many shampoo and conditioner
brands provide the same benefits.
6. Protect hair when swimming. Protect your
hair from the damaging effects of chlorine
by wetting and conditioning your hair
before swimming. Wear a tight-fitting swim
cap and use a specially formulated
swimmers shampoo and deep conditioner
after swimming to replace lost moisture.

How to Maintain Good Eye Health

Don't take your eyes for granted. Protect
your sight with these six tips:
1. Eat for Good Vision
Protecting your eyes starts with the food on
your plate. Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty
acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E might
help ward off age-related vision problems
such as macular degeneration and cataracts,
studies show. Regularly eating these foods
can help lead to good eye health:
Green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale,
and collards
Salmon, tuna, and other oily fish
Eggs, nuts, beans, and other non-meat
protein sources
Oranges and other citrus fruits or juices
Eating a well-balanced diet also helps you
maintain a healthy weight, which makes you
less likely to get obesity-related diseases
such as type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is the
leading cause of blindness in adults.
2. Quit Smoking
Smoking makes you more likely to get
cataracts, optic nerve damage, and macular
degeneration. If you've tried to quit
smoking before and started smoking again,
keep trying. The more times you try to quit
smoking, the more likely you are to succeed.
3. Wear Sunglasses
The right kind of sunglasses will help
protect your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet
(UV) rays.
Too much UV exposure makes you more
likely to get cataracts and macular
Choose sunglasses that block 99% to 100%
of both UVA and UVB rays. Wraparound
lenses help protect your eyes from the side.
Polarized lenses reduce glare when driving.
If you wear contact lenses, some offer UV
protection. It's still a good idea to wear
sunglasses for more protection, though.
4. Use Safety Eyewear
If you work with hazardous or airborne
materials on the job or at home, wear safety
glasses or protective goggles every time.
Certain sports such as ice hockey,
racquetball, and lacrosse can also lead to eye
injury. Wear eye protection (such as helmets
with protective face masks or sports
goggles with polycarbonate lenses) to shield
your eyes.
5. Look Away From the Computer
Staring at a computer screen for too long
can cause:
Blurry vision
Trouble focusing at a distance
Dry eyes
Neck, back, and shoulder pain
Taking the following steps to protect your
Make sure your glasses or contact lens
prescription is up-to-date and adequate for
computer use.
Some people may need glasses to help with
contrast, glare, and eye strain when using a
Position your computer so that your eyes
are level with the top of the monitor. This
allows you to look slightly down at the
Try to avoid glare on your computer from
windows and lights. Use an anti-glare
screen if needed.
Choose a comfortable, supportive chair.
Position it so that your feet are flat on the
If your eyes are dry, blink more.
Every 20 minutes, rest your eyes by looking
20 feet away for 20 seconds. At least every 2
hours, get up and take a 15-minute break.

Cooking With Kerosene Is A Death Sentence

Kerosene is a type of fuel oil used for
lighting, heating and cooking. Like many fuel
oils, it is derived from crude oil. Kerosene is
a liquid at room temperature, but it can
evaporate; therefore, people can be exposed
to kerosene by getting it on their skin or by
inhaling the fumes. Direct exposure to the
kerosene or a byproduct of burning the
kerosene, such as carbon monoxide, can
produce negative health effects.
Respiratory Problems
According to the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR),
people who regularly use kerosene heaters
do not have more respiratory diseases than
the general population. However, inhaling
kerosene might cause a short-term change
in the way you smell or taste things. Also,
inhaling kerosene fumes might cause some
people to become dizzy or nauseated.
Breathing the fumes long-term could result
in neurological or kidney damage, including
blood clots that damage the brain, heart or
other organs.
You Might Also Like
Kerosene Heaters & Safety for Kids
What Are the Dangers of Propane &
Kerosene Heaters?
Propane Vs. Kerosene Heating
Ingredients in Diesel Fuel
Heaters That Run on Used Motor Oil
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Fats and Oils and Our Top Picks
Heating: Electric Vs. Propane
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What Are the Dangers of Heating Cooking
Propane Stove Safety
What Is Clear Liquid Coconut Oil?
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Cooking Oils for High Heat
Chili Oil Nutrition
What Are the Health Benefits of Vegetable
Gastrointestinal Symptoms
These symptoms caused by kerosene
heaters most often appear in children who
have tried to drink the kerosene, according
to the ATSDR. Symptoms of kerosene
poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea,
stomach cramps or swelling in the stomach,
coughing, restlessness, and drowsiness or
unconsciousness. Because children might
try to drink kerosene from cans or tanks as
well as from the heater, keep all kerosene
containers out of a child's reach, and teach
him never to touch the heater, even if it is
not on.
Burns and Fire
To avoid these, the Consumer Product Safety
Commission recommends using all
protective equipment that comes with a
kerosene heater, including any grills or
covers designed to protect people from
coming into contact with hot elements. To
reduce the risk of fire, always fill the
kerosene heater outdoors, and do not leave
the heater running unattended. If burns
occur, run cool---not cold---water over the
effected area, and call your physician or local
emergency services immediately.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
According to the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, carbon monoxide
poisoning is more common among
kerosene heater users than poisoning from
breathing the fumes. Carbon monoxide (CO)
poisoning's first symptoms include fatigue
and possibly chest pain, followed by
dizziness, nausea, confusion and lack of
coordination. Carbon monoxide poisoning
can be fatal. If anyone in your house starts
feeling unwell while the kerosene heater is
being used, turn off the heater and move
everyone in the house to a location with
plenty of fresh air---outdoors if possible.

Some Tough Interview Questions And Their Answers

Some Tough Interview Questions And Their Answers

Interview, a conversation between two or
more people where questions are asked by
the interviewer to elicit facts or statements
from the interviewee. In this case, we are
talking about job interviews, where the
interviewee seems to be on a somewhat hot
seat, seated patiently or impatiently to get
bombarded with some unknown but
probably predictable questions from the
Sit back, take a cup of chilled juice or
probably garri with rain water, then read
Tell me about yourself.
Mind you, the interviewer does not want to
hear what is already on your resume. Job
applicants fall into the trap of discussing
what has being written on their resume. Do
you think the interviewer would not go
through your CV before calling you for an
interview? Then why repeat lines? That
means they know one or two things about
you. Infact most times, the interviewer will
have a copy of your CV with him as he/she
interviews you. This is why it is not a very
good time to repeat everything you have
written on your CV. Use this opportunity to
say something about how you fit into the
job role or company. Use it as an
opportunity to sell yourself.
What Are Your Weaknesses?
Most times, job applicants fall into the error
of saying they have no weaknesses. Trust,
the interviewer has heard it all a couple, if
not million times.
Tell them of that weakness(es) you’re
actively working on overcoming and you
should be able to present to the interviewer
how you’re working on it.
Mind you, do not project laziness as a
weakness or a sickness record; no
organization want to hire a lazy soul or
In addition, you can give your knowledge
gap in the role you’re being interviewed for
as a weakness and how you’re seriously
working on developing the skill set to cover
the gap.
Are you willing to relocate?
There is no rel answer between Yes or No.
The right answer depends on what the job
requirement is, and what the job
description is. Does the job require that you
travel a lot, then the right answer will be Yes.
Even if it is not stated explicitly that you will
be travelling, take a moment to think about
the job you are applying for.
What accomplishment are you mostly
proud of?
When interviewers ask these questions, they
want to know what you hold dear. Flex your
achievement muscles and tell them what you
have done and proud of. If it’s really worth a
nod, you will get it.
Tell us about your resume.
Even though the interviewer might probably
have gone through your resume, here is an
opportunity to brief going through your
resume in a chronological order. Be brief
and straight to the point. If there is a point
you want to emphasize in your resume, here
is the opportunity to sharply draw the
recruiters attention to this point in your CV.
What are your salary requirements?
This is one of the most dreaded questions
candidates do not want to answer. Either
you are a die-hard job seeker or a fresher;
you still have to give answer to this
question. Fortunately there is no wrong or
right answer. Charging too high might look
greedy and charging too low might make
you look desperate for the job. Whatever
salary you are asking for, make sure it is
reasonable, it is something you can defend
and based on proper research carried out
on companies and jobs of related niche.
Why do you need a new job?
Excuses like Low wages, Wicked boss, not
conducive working environment, no
appropriate compensation ; these are no-
say statements to answer this kind of
question. Rather talk about the new job role
you want to fit in and why you are in love
with it. If it is the same job, then talk about
the new company and why you think their
brand is great.
Who are our competitors?
This question is to let your prospective
employer know if you have made research
the company you want to work for and how
well you know the brand. If you fail this
question, it bespeaks your lack of
preparation, insinuating that you are not
taking the job too seriously. Before you
attend any interview, you should not only
research the company but also its niche.
Are you a leader or a follower?
Don’t play too smart by jumping at the
option of being a leader. Calm your nerves
and then selectively give an answer that is
appropriate to the new role you are been
interviewed for. The new role might be
meant for followers and not leaders.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What the interviewer simply wants to know
here is if you have defined your career path
and know what you want to be. No one is
ready to hire a man without vision.
Meanwhile, pass your boundary not, this is
not the time to tell them you will be the MD
of the company in 5 years time. Your
interviewer will only probably turn out to be
the MD of the company, you think he would
employ someone who is ready to take over
his job in 5 years time?
What are some of your leadership
You may not have held an important title but
remember that time you were in the boy’s
scout and you had to lead a team.
Remember any task you have done as long
as it is remotely connected to leadership role
and emphasis how you were able to led the
Who’s your mentor?
Mentor is an experienced and trusted
adviser. Whosoever you decide to mention
as your mentor in order for you to properly
answer this question, you must be able to
explain why you are picking such a person
because it will be asked, also how the
person has positively or will positively
influence you.
How would you deal with an angry
This is a a no-brainier but also a technical
question. The interviewer is interested in
knowing how you treat people and how
well you relate with others. If you have a
previous experience in your job, probably
you have worked in a position where you
had to interface with customers or client,
then draw from that experience.
What is the name of our CEO?
Indirectly asking, how well do you know the
company? Research the company before
you go for the interview. Find out their core
values, which the management is and
possibly, check out their profile on twitter to
know what interests them. The CEO might
just be sitting in the room and if you can
show how well you know him, then you
might just have nailed the interview.
Discuss your educational background.
This is quite different from the story of your
life. Highlight the certificates you acquired
and the skills you have acquired through
this education that will make you a more
suitable person for the job.
What Are Your Strength(s)?
This is by no means an easy question and a
lot of job seekers will fail to deliver what is
expected at this point. Most candidates fail
not because they do not know what to say
but for the lack of the accurate things to say
and how to put them. The interviewer
already gave you an opportunity to dig deep
into his/her mindset and pour into it how
awesome you are without being vain about
it. The best answer is when you are able to
exhibit how you used this strength(s) to
carry out a task or perform a job role.
Therefore, when answering this question,
look for the strength(s) that fit with your
present potential role or talk about specific
instances of where you were able to get a
notable appreciation for using this strength
in a job. A good example goes like “When I
am given a deadline, I do all I can to keep to
it and hardly fail.”
Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current
Job or Why Are You Looking For A New Job?
One mistake applicants make when
answering this question is to speak ill of
their present company or totally disrespect
their current boss. Then the interviewer
turns out to be a brother to the so-called
current boss.

This is an opportunity to put forward what
you’ve learnt from your current job and how
you can add value to the prospective job
role. Tell the interviewer how ambitious you
are and how your present employment does
not give you enough opportunity to fully
express your ambition, that’s the best hit for
the question. Tell the interviewer that you
believe and know that his/her organization
would give you the playing ground you so
much desire.
What is your dream job?
Only if you are not serious about getting the
job, your dream job should be the current
job you are applying for. Take time to make
the job sound interesting. Tell your
interviewer why you love the job and what
aspect of the job or industry you love and
explain why you want to work with them.
Why Should We Hire You?
There’s an apparent but too straight-
forward and not so justifiable answer to
this question, which is that you’re the best
for the job. For justification, you need to
backup this answer with salient points that
differentiate you from other applicants.
But how do you do this? Is a question that
needs a military attention. Take a look at the
specifications of the job and look deep to
get an example of a situation where you
excelled or simply add value to the job or the
project at hand.
Alternatively, speak passionately about your
achievements while bearing in mind that all
you say must be related to the job you’re
running for.
What questions haven’t I asked you?
This question depends on your level of
experience. If during the interview, you
notice a strength of yours that was not
related to any question and can give you an
edge; you can use this opportunity to draw
the interviewer’s attention to it. Just be
ready for any follow-up question that might
come up.
What questions do you have for me?
Never make the mistake of not asking any
question. This is your chance to find out
things you want to know and haven’t
known about the company. In asking your
question, do not pass your boundary, there
are some questions you should refrain from
asking. This is not the time to ask how many
times you are free to go on leave or to start
negotiating your salary, or probably asking
if there are enough ladies around the office,
who does that?. Ask intelligent questions
like “What drives the company”? or “Who
will you be working with”?, “Who held the
present role you are been interviewed for
and why?”.
drop yours


How Ladies Push Their Man Away Unknowingly

A lot of ladies find making their man happy
very difficult. Some even feel making a guy
happy is tied only to sex but it is worthy of
remembrance that a lot of girls open their
legs daily and this still doesn't make the men
happy enough to stay with them. Maybe for
the minute he wants to experience the
excitement of your bosom but appreciating
a guy is one thing most ladies overlook.
The number of ladies crying "he broke my
heart" would reduce drastically if ladies
stopped living their lives like its a fairy tale
1. Insecurity: no matter how insecure you
are, its no reason to disrespect your man.
Two captains can sail one sheep. Its hard to
keep your calm especially if he has a lot of
girls are around but shouting and insulting
him won't make him pay more attention to
you. You simply would be giving him more
reasons to look out.
2: Appreciation: never underestimate the
power of appreciation. If your man takes
good care of you, use ever chance you have
got to let him know he's doing a good job.
If he looks cute in the morning tell him. If he
showers you with gift, thank him. If he
listens when you need a friend, be grateful.
When you cry and he hugs you, embrace
him. A man won't go looking for what he
already has. When ladies point out more
faults they are pointing at another lady to
take their place.
3. The baby in every man: there is a baby in
every man that comes to light when he is
with the woman he loves the most. Don't
see this as weakness. No matter how bad a
man feels or angry or disappointed its the
duty of the woman in his life to bring out
the baby in him and know just how to calm
the baby. You can't run away every time he's
in a bad mood and expect to keep him.
4. Making him feel at home: around you, he
doesn't want who to judge him but he
needs someone who sees his strength not
the weakness.
There are a couple of things ladies do
without realising they are sending the men
in their lives packing.
- challenging his authority as a man.
-always winning.
- being bossy.
Funniest part is, they always have an excuse
and it is always this is who I am. Who you
are is who you decided to be. There is
always room for change especially when
you make up your mind to be with the
person. You must understand a man will
always be the man irrespective of what you
bring to the table.
Realizing that there is a difference between
an humble woman and a silly one will hel
you better appreciate that a man is your
superior but you are his partner and never
try to be the man especially when you know
he really loves you and wants the best for

Saturday 19 September 2015

8 Ways To Identify Carry Over Students In Campus

Students are scared when checking their results in order not to be a
victim of carry over grade which apart from the burden they will bear
for the next level, insult from their juniors is enough to ruin their
It is however obvious to spot them in campus which is the aim of this
article and let's take a look on ways to identify such students.

* Insult lecturers on regular basis

Carry over students view both good and bad lecturers as enemies by
abusing and bashing them from all angles. Most times they are the ones
who sit at the back of auditorium during lecture period causing
distraction and blaming lecturers for their misfortunes.

*Struggled and stressed looks

This feature is obvious when you see carry over students. Owing to the
fact that life is not fair to them on campus, they look worried and
tattered due to too much thinking, long lectures period and less
sleeping hours.

*Violence flow in their blood

The life of a carry over student is so frustrating that anything can
steer up anger in their life. Due to the precipitated bitterness in
their blood, they become captain during "aluta protest" along side
with their bedevilled colleagues.

* Unfriendly attitude

Larger percentage of carry over students possess introvert attitude
that makes it difficult for them to socialise. Suggesting any form of
entertainment to cool their nerves is like mission impossible for

* Single relationship status

It's difficult to see a carry over student in a relationship which is
more synonymous to guys. If eventually he steps up his game to woo a
lady, she will ridicule, condemn and bash the hell out of his life.

*Bond with efikos and giraffe at exam hall

This is very common at exam hall as carry over students form covalent
bond with intelligent students to save them from academic
embarrassment. Also they frequently giraffe during exam using angle of
depression mechanism.

*Hand outs are always littered in their rooms

The room of carry over students can be likened to the dust bin at
ojota in lagos. Because of the bulk of courses they offered per
semester, various hand outs are always littered on their bed,
wardrobe, floor, kitchen and even toilet if care is not taken.

*Disgusting outfits and terrible body odour

Some carry over students always look un kept with bad body odour and
funny outfits since they care less about their well being. Also, they
hardly make their hairs, shave and sometimes skip brushing their

Add yours

5 Ways Tablets Are Better Than Laptops Or Smartphones

Tablets are thin and light. If you have a MacBook Air, or an
ultrabook, the distinction may not seem as significant, but when it
comes to most laptops, a tablet is thinner, lighter, and more portable
by a long shot. When you’re carrying around a bag all day, the
difference between one pound and five pounds adds up. Speaking of
bags, most laptops require their own luggage to transport from Point A
to Point B, but you can grab a tablet on your way out the door like
you’re picking up your keys or sunglasses.
The tablet may not be as versatile as a laptop in the functionality
department, but it is significantly better than a smartphone. Tablets
have larger displays that give you more real estate to get real work
done. In fact, with larger tablets the display is on par with smaller
laptops, allowing you to get more done. Of course, the virtual
keyboard uses up half the display, so you have less screen to work
with when you’re actually working. Regardless, though, tablets beat
smartphones when it comes to being productive.
3.Less Cumbersome
Have you ever tried to get work done on a laptop while riding in a
taxi, or during a flight? It’s not fun. It is a project to lug the
device out, and then you have to find some relatively flat, stable
surface to set it on. It has to be flipped open to view the display or
type on the keyboard, so that rules out any use while walking around
(at least for anyone with common sense). A tablet is easy to just turn
on and use in any environment.
4.Battery Life
Most tablets have battery life that is far better than laptops.
Laptops are steadily improving in the longevity department, but most
would still struggle to make it through a full work day, and many
won’t make it to lunch. Tablets on the other hand, seem to last
forever even when pushed to the limits.
A tablet sits somewhere between the smartphone and laptop in most
areas, and flexibility is no exception. In many ways, a tablet can
fill the role of a laptop and perform most, if not all, of the same
functions. But, the tablet is also more versatile. Most can take
photos, or shoot videos in addition to allowing video chat and
conferencing. They also work nicely as e-readers (or in some cases the
e-reader has evolved into a tablet) for accessing an entire library of
books on the go. Some of these things are technically possible, but
ridiculous in a practical sense with a notebook.
A tablet is ideal for some tasks, and suitable for many, but there are
still a variety of scenarios where a laptop or smartphone might be a
better choice. Consider the pros and cons of each mobile device, and
choose the best tool for the task at hand.

23 Benefits Of Lemon Water You Should Never Miss!

A glass of lemon water to start your day could keep the doctor away…
Why do I say that?
Because according to Hippocrates “All disease begin in the gut” and
modern research has been conclusive that an unhealthy gut leads to a
myriad of diseases like diabetes and obesity.
Drinking this in the morning helps your gut by stimulating the
production of hydrochloric acid, a critical ingredient needed by our
stomach to digest and expel waste because it is rich in vitamin C.
And guess what? There are 28 more benefits that I want to share with you.
As recently as a few years ago, I would start my day by drinking a cup
of coffee to “wake myself up”.
It was a habit that lasted around 7 years until I replaced coffee with
juice this year.
I did not know that too much caffeine can lead to an early death so I
had to cut it off my regular diet.
I heard about the benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning
through a friend who was also into juicing, she told me about how good
it is for our digestive system so I decided to research on this and
found out it had even more benefits so I thought it was proper to
share this with you.
I have to admit, I still drink coffee but only on occasion when I’m
with friends but it is nowhere near the amount I was drinking before
which was about two large cups a day.
Anyway back to the topic…
1. A Post-Workout Drink
If you are tired of spending a fortune on Gatorade, this recipe that
includes lemon, lime, water, sea salt, and honey/natural sugar could
be a good and more affordable alternative.
One thing people don’t realize when they workout is that their body
becomes very acidic after an intense workout. Lemon is a great
neutralizer of that high acidity inside your body.
Tip: You can also replenish loss fluids during workouts by drinking
lemon water instead of just plain water to improve muscle endurance
(particularly for running).
2. Alkalizes the Body
Nutritionists like Gareth Edwards say that has a great alkalizing
effect on the body because “minerals in it disassociate to make it
alkaline” as it gets absorbed by the body.
Even though lemon is acidic by nature, when it enters the bloodstream,
“the alkalizing salts override the presence of acids” during the
metabolic processes that happens when it enters the bloodstream.
3. Asthma Treatment
Lemon has been listed in countless home remedies lists as one of the
best natural treatments for asthma that’s because it is rich in
vitamin C, an antioxidant that fights free radicals which causes
smooth muscle contraction and airway constriction, both symptoms of
asthma. It also helps clear out mucus from air vessels.
Tip: Don’t just rely on lemon for treatment, if your doctor prescribes
an inhaler by all means use it just in case you have asthma attacks.
Lemon is only meant to provide you with the dietary supplement you
need to fight this condition.
4. Balances Blood Sugar Levels
Lemon is rich in a compound called Bioflavonoids which gives this
fruit its yellow color. This same compound also naturally stimulates
the production of insulin in our body that in turn balances our blood
sugar levels which can help people who have diabetes.
5. Balances pH levels
When our pH level increases it means our body is becoming more acidic
which makes it more prone to diseases such as high cholesterol and
diabetes. A great way of balancing pH levels is drinking water infused
with fresh lemon juice to alkalize the body and lowering acidity
6. Brain Food
This little yellow fruit is rich in potassium which is considered brain food.
7. Caffeine Replacement
Lemon is a natural energy booster, even more so if you add honey to
it. I’ve said earlier in this article that I was a chain coffee
drinker who gulps down 2 large mugs a day and I’ve replaced it lemon
water with no regrets whatsoever.
8. Detoxifies
If you’re haven’t heard about “The Master Cleanse”, this is basically
a diet that consists of only drinking lemon water mixed with honey,
cayenne pepper or maple syrup for an extended period of time.
This method may not work for everyone but I’d like to point out that
this method takes advantage the citric acid present in lemon that will
help flush toxins from the colon, gallbladder and liver that otherwise
would be absorbed by the body.
A similar effect can be had by drinking this first thing in the
morning before any meals.
9. Dissolves Phlegm
Citric acid present in lemon will dissolve phlegm. In addition to that
it is rich in antioxidants like Vitamin C and K that help fight off
cough and colds.
The traditional concoction involves combining lemon with warm water
and honey. Warm water in a way sooths irritation (at the same time is
a decongestant) caused by cough. William Sears says that honey is a
very effective at dissolving phlegm, more effective than cough syrups.
10. Fights Cancer Cells
Remember about the compound Bioflavonoids I was talking about earlier,
it turns out that this also works as an antioxidant that fights cell
oxidation and free radical damage which are the main culprits of
cancer. Theresa Chung who wrote “The Lemon Juice Diet” went as far as
saying that it can help prevent cancer. It also contains pectin that
according to Vijaya Kumar have been known to protect the intestines
from cancer.
11. Heart Food
Potassium found in lemon is vital for the function of our heart, it
does not treat any ailment but it helps in preventing heart related
illnesses like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and irregular
12. Helps Hydrate Our Lymphatic System
According to Dr. John Douillard, the lymph system largest circulatory
system in our body, twice as large as the arterial system, it is
responsible for flushing out waste and toxins out of our system.
Keeping it hydrated is important to our overall health.
Actually, water alone is enough to hydrate the lymph system but I
added lemon here because it helps in alkalizing thus balancing acidity
13. Helps Treat Constipation
This combo is great as a home remedy for constipation. Water helps
lubricate the digestive system and soften stool. Citric acid found in
lemon induces bowel movement that will flush out undigested waste from
the colon.
14. Helps Treat Scurvy
Scurvy for those who don’t know is a disease that is a direct result
of vitamin C deficiency. Sailors are most prone to this disease
because of their extended mission trips on sea that often outlast
their produce supply. Lemon water is the treatment of choice for this
ailment because it is rich in vitamin C. Water is great as masking the
sharp flavor thus allowing them to drink this concoction in large
15. Improves Digestive Health
A cup of warm water before any meal in the morning will help break
down waste and flush out to toxins from the gut. That’s because at a
molecular level, lemon is similar to your saliva that encourages the
liver to produce bile – a fluid needed by our intestines to dispose
waste and toxins.
Tip: Warm lemon water should be the first thing that goes in your
stomach in the morning, before having breakfast or any other liquid.
16. Improves Eyesight
Being rich in vitamin C also has a positive effect on your eyesight as
this will help prevent eye conditions like macular degeneration and
17. Improves Our Immune System
Lemons is rich in nutrients like bioflavonoids, vitamin C, potassium,
magnesium, citric acid, folate and pectin that boost our body’s immune
system and immobilize free radicals – the cause of most ailments.
Increases Metabolism and Promotes Weight Loss
It is a little known fact that drinking 8 glasses of water (8 ounces
per glass) each day actually boosts your metabolism or how much your
body burns calories by 30%. This is based on a study done by Michael
Boschmann of the Franz Volhard Research Center. Lemon adds some flavor
to water which will help you drink more plus it has pectin which
suppresses appetite.
Tip: Most of the pectin and dietary fiber is found in the white pity
part under the skin, make sure to eat this as well.
19. Kills Worms
Parasites like worms thrive in an acidic environment by drinking
something bitter like lemon mixed in water helps in flushing them out.
20. Lowers High Blood Pressure
A citrus fruit, like lemon is rich in vitamin C that helps in thinning
the blood, in addition to its antioxidant properties. Another mineral
found in this fruit that helps lower blood pressure is potassium that
flushes out excess sodium.
Tip: if you suffer high blood pressure it is important that you keep
yourself hydrated throughout the day because the lack of water tells
your body to go into preservation mode which means it will hang on to
every last drop of water your body has, the effect of that is
thickening of the blood – another cause of high blood pressure.
21. Lowers Stress Levels
One thing that gets depleted when you’re stressed is vitamin C so the
next time your stress levels go up, take a break and replenish that
lost vitamin C with a cup of warm lemon water.
22. Prevents Bad Breath
It helps two ways here. First by killing the bad-breath-causing
bacteria in your mouth and second, by flushing away toxins in your
liver that when overworked releases bad smelling substances to the
bloodstream, lungs then out the mouth.
23. Radiant Skin
Its antioxidant properties help you get more radiant skin from the
inside out by repairing damaged cells, flushing out toxins and killing
free radicals that can ruin our skin.

The Simplest Ways To Inspire People And Change Their Life

Has anyone ever inspired you to change your life in a significant way
that made you healthier, happier, or more fulfilled? If so, you
understand the difference that positive inspiration can make in a
person’s life. Inspiration is powerful, but it isn’t easy. Would you
like to return the favor by making a positive difference in the life
of your friends, family, or co-workers? If you want to be a positive
influence capable of inspiring your loved ones to become better
versions of themselves, please consider these 20 ways to inspire
people around you.
1. Care.
If you can’t show a person that you genuinely care about them, do you
think you will be able to inspire them? The answer is a resounding,
“NO!” Show people you care in your words (“How are you today?”) and
your actions (small acts of kindness go a long way).
2. Be enthusiastic.
The saying “enthusiasm is contagious” is common enough to be cliché,
but it’s a cliché because it’s true. Reflect enthusiasm every day to
the people you are in contact with and I’m willing to wager your
genuine smiles, positive energy, and caring concern will be returned
3. Earn trust.
If a person you know and love tells you a secret, it stays between you
and them. Trust takes a long time to build, but it can be destroyed
overnight, so don’t take part in workplace gossip or unnecessary drama
in your social networks so you can be a positive influence that people
are unafraid to talk to.
4. If it’s not positive, don’t say it.
It’s easy to criticize people, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right
thing to do. Think about it: how do you react if someone insults your
intelligence, makes fun of your outfit, or criticizes your
performance? Whether the criticism is justified or not, I bet you get
upset. No one likes to be criticized, so if you don’t have anything
positive to say, don’t say it at all.
5. Build people up.
Small compliments have a way of brightening any day, irregardless of
the dark shadows that may be overhead. Don’t believe me? Find someone
in your office wearing a frown, tell them how cute (or handsome) they
look today, and watch a bright smile take over their face. If your
compliment doesn’t make their day, I’ll  buy you a beer.
6. Stand your ground.
It’s easy to let life-stress shake our foundation of inner-strength as
human beings, but if you want to inspire people around you, learn to
stand your ground through thick and thin. Stand firm if you want to
show the people around you that even the worst of circumstances can be
overcome with positive thinking, continuous improvement, and a
never-say-die attitude.
7. Admit your flaws.
Although it is important to not flinch when life throws us a
curve-ball, it is equally important to acknowledge the fact that we
are all human beings here, and thus are all inherently flawed.
Everyone has at least one glaring weakness or two, so accept your
short-comings to humanize yourself so people can relate to you on a
deeper level. Show me a person who claims to be without fault and I’ll
show you a dirty liar.
8. Be an active listener.
Anyone can hear the words other people say, but not many people can
actively listen and comprehend those words to fully understand the
meaning behind them. Make eye-contact if someone talks to you about
their problems and ask follow-up questions to show them you care about
what they are going through and want to understand where they are
coming from as well as you can.
9. Reach for the stars.
No one will be inspired by a person who resigns themselves to
“reality” (such a dreadful place that sounds devoid of hope or
personal growth in my opinion). Be ambitious, aim high, and never
surrender if you want to inspire people that they, too, can accomplish
anything they set their mind to.
10. Deliver constructive criticism.
First of all, constructive criticism should only be delivered if it is
asked for. Remember point #4: if it’s not positive, don’t say it. If
you criticize someone for their flaws without any input requested,
you’re just going to upset them. But if you are asked for input,
deliver it in a positive manner. For the sake of example, let’s assume
someone asked you for feedback about an article, blog, essay, or
resume that they wrote. You might deliver your feedback like this:
“First, thank you for asking me for input: it means a lot that you
trust me! I looked it over and let me just say that I love what you
did with[insert positive compliment here].But I think it might be even
better if you did this instead[insert constructive criticism and
feedback for improvement here].”11. Treat everyone equally.
We are all equal human beings regardless of our gender, politics,
race, religion, and other factors. Love and care for people without
consideration of these irrelevant factors that have no influence on
the quality of a person. Treat others how they want to be treated, no
matter their background, to inspire trust and confidence.
12. Walk with confidence.
Keep your head high and eyes forward so you can say, “Hello,” or, “How
are you?” to everyone you walk past. Walk with a friendly swagger that
reflects confidence in who you are.
13. Stay calm and cool.
How people react to insults or criticism speaks highly about their
ability to inspire others. If you respond to hate with more hate, how
are you any better than the person who started the confrontation?
(Hint: you’re not!) No matter how out-of-place or harsh an insult was,
it’s best to stay calm and cool, because getting upset will not make
you feel any better (and it certainly won’t inspire people around
you). Shrug off insults like they didn’t happen and those who witness
your unflinching nature might be inspired to do the same.
14. Share your influences.
What books have made a huge impact on who you are as a person? What
sources of inspiration help guide the most important decisions in your
life? How did you become the happy, healthy, positive person you are
today? Share the influences that shaped who you are so others can also
15. Acknowledge contributions of others.
No matter how wonderful you are, you’re just one person, so I’m sure
others have contributed to your greatest successes in life. If you’re
a writer and receive a compliment about a particular passage that one
of your friends inspired, say something like, “I so appreciate that,
but you know what’s funny? It wasn’t even my idea! My super talented
and brilliant friend _______ gets full credit.” Acknowledge the
contribution publicly if at all possible to show people you’re humble
and thoughtful enough to give credit where it’s due.
16. Keep your promises.
If you volunteered to help with a cause and you get invited to a movie
or concert, you need to keep your word, no matter how much more fun
the other thing may be. It’s easy to ditch our responsibilities when a
more interesting opportunity presents itself, but this is a sure-fire
way to destroy the trust you’ve worked so hard to earn, so you’d be
wise to keep your word no matter what.
17. Stay true to who you are.
A lot of us have a variety of “selves” that come out depending on the
social situation: home, work, and friends all require a different
song-and-dance. But putting on a different show for every group of
people you encounter is super exhausting, and it’s certainly not a
good way to inspire people around you. Would you place your confidence
in a person who was so uncomfortable in their personality that they
felt the need to pander to whatever crowd they were with? Embrace your
true self without apology.
18. Explore alternative thoughts and ideas.
Anyone who thinks they have all the answers is kidding themselves, so
make a point of challenging your beliefs on a regular basis. If you’re
fiscally conservative, explore a well-thought out piece by someone on
the opposite end of the political spectrum so you can see the other
side of the story. If you’re a Christian, explore the thoughts of the
most highly regarded Muslims to discover why they believe what they
do. Have conversations with people who believe differently than you do
to learn what makes them tick. It’s unlikely you’ll change your mind,
and if you really believe something with conviction, it should hold up
to scrutiny. Your openness will show others that you are so firm in
your convictions that you’re willing to challenge your beliefs. You’ll
also develop trust in people who think differently than you do, who
otherwise might have been afraid to approach you.
19. Never add insult to injury.
If you win an argument, there is no need to brag about it.
Proclaiming, “I told you so,” will make you look arrogant and
discourage people from approaching you about the important things (and
rightfully so!).
20. Set people free.
Don’t merely give people step-by-step advice, but instead give them
the freedom to figure it out by themselves. No one likes a
micro-manager. If you’re asked for help, deliver a rough guideline to
get a person moving in the right direction, but intentionally leave
something left to the imagination so they will have the freedom to
fill-in-the-blanks. When a person discovers they are capable of
figuring things out by their lonesome, they will discover they are
more powerful than they ever thought possible.
How Do You Inspire People Around You?
Have you had the pleasure of inspiring a person to take a positive
step forward to a better life? Or has someone helped inspire you to
overcome a significant struggle? If so, we’d love to hear all about it
in the comments!

Friday 18 September 2015

How To Look Good In Pictures.

Awkward smiles and blank stares make everyone look awful in photos.
Even models. Fortunately for them, they know how to avoid these
picture pitfalls.

Step 1: Angle Your Body
To play up your masculine features without looking like you’re trying
too hard, pull your shoulders back slightly. Point your feet toward
the camera and shift your torso so that your shoulders are angled 10
to 15 degrees out of line from your feet. “This’ll give you more
dimension,” says Speer.

Step 2. Keep Your Chin Down
If you’re lifting your chin or looking up at the camera, chances are
you’re showing the world a perfect view of the inside of your nose,
says Speer. Keep your chin pointed down and turn your head slightly
away from the camera. The angle will highlight your jaw and make it
look stronger......

Say these things to yourself even when you are unsuccessful and down and unhappy.

Do you have negative beliefs about yourself? Statements you tell
yourself before you try something new and potentially rewarding?These
negative self-talk scripts are convenient excuses to avoid change.
They serve as limiting beliefs, naysayers in our heads – mental myths.
Sometimes we don’t even realize the influence they have on our mindset
and decisions.
You may be quick to say to yourself, “I’m shy, introverted, and
socially awkward. There’s no way I’ll ever speak in front of a crowd.”
But because of this, opportunities can pass you by. And it is up to
you to flip this script around to destroy the negative
thoughts,turning them into positive self-talk script.
Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus, who believed in self-responsibility
and self-discipline, was an early proponent of positive self-talk:
“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”
Think about your limiting beliefs and how you can flip them around to
become positive self-talk scripts. Smash through your mental myths and
use these positive scripts to guide your behavior.
Then, talk in the second-person (“you”) instead of the first-person
(“I”). Psychologists in this studyfound that – counter-intuitively –
using the second-person increases your chances of success.

To inspire you, here are 10 positive self-talk scripts from successful people.

1. “You are enough.”
Before going on stage, actress and singer Demi Lovato tells herself:
“I am enough.”
She uses this to silence her limiting beliefs about both her
achievements and her body image. For Lovato:
“‘I am enough’ means being comfortable with your body, with what you
have achieved — and with what you haven’t. It means accepting who you
are without caveats. It means rising to the bar you’ve set for
yourself instead of conforming to the outlandish expectations of
others. It translates to a confession of self-acceptance, and it’s
something we could all stand to say to ourselves more often.”

2. “You make it happen.”
Aarthi Ramamurthy, founder of Lumoid, borrows this self-talk script
from a Michael Jordan quote: “Some people want it to happen, some wish
it would happen, others make it happen.”
It’s simple as that. Tell yourself to go out and take action.

3. “You give of your talents freely, and you are wonderfully blessed
The idea is to assume that success is inevitable, especially if you
constantly help others using your talents. Wealth is a by-product of
your effort to provide value in the world.

4. “You are possible.”
Actress Audrey Hepburn was quoted as saying, “Nothing is impossible,
the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!”
Except where it violates the laws of physics, anything is often
possible. But most people wait until they’re “ready”.
Instead, tell yourself “You are possible” and take the first step.
Then the second. Don’t let perfection paralyze you. Just put one foot
in front of the other and you’ll achieve success.
What other negative beliefs can you flip around just by re-arranging
letters? How about this: instead of “No Way”, say “Now, ay!”

5. “Stay focused. Stay positive. Keep your chin up and your feet on the ground.”
Amy Sacco, founder and partner of the Bungalow 8 nightclub chain in
New York City and London, tells herself this script every day while
blasting her favorite songs.
Borrow this idea yourself and take your self-talk to a new level by
playing the high-energy tunes you love while verbalizing the script
out loud.

6. “What good shall I do this day?”
Benjamin Franklin asked himself this question first thing every morning.
The message is to first think about doing good. If you can solve other
people’s problems, they will value you. This is a win-win mentality
that accelerates success for you and everyone you interact with.

below and click “Share” to inspire your friends!

Teaching you how to set your goals.

1. Identify your personal values and mission statement.
Your personal value is the big direction. If you can identify your
personal values, your personal goal will not go wrong. The starting
point of all achievement is desire.
For the best way to finger out your personal values, I will discuss
this in details in goal  planningand click the link to find out your
personal values.

2. Figure out the goals you want to achieve.
After you know your personal values, find out what you really want to
achieve in every life aspects. Life has many aspects and in order to
lead a happy life, you should set goals in every aspects. Setting
personal goalsshows these life aspects.
Personal SWOT analysisis a look at you and your life. It is a tool to
help you find out if the goals is achievable.

3. Write your goals down. Make sure the goals are SMART and they are
top quality goals.
Find out if your goals are smart goals. Click the link.
Write them down. Please pay attention to this. You must write your
goals down on a piece of paper. If not, they will only become dreams.
See more details in writing goals.
You should limit your goals to between 5 and 6 at any one time. To
achieve your goals you have to focus your efforts and energy. As you
progress and complete goals, you may add new goals.

4. List the skills and knowledge required to reach your goal.
Success needs a lot of preparation. If you want to be successful, you
need to prepare well. Nothing happens just by accident. Take a look at
all of the factors that are keeping you from accomplishing your goal
and develop a plan to overcome them.
You also need to find out the people or group you need to work with to
reach your goals. Fully mobilize all the factors to help you achieve
the goals.

5. Develop a personal action plan.
You need to make a detailed schedule according to your goals. Develop
an personal  action planand follow them.

6. Review your progress and update your goals accordingly.
Make sure you are making progress. If not, analyze why the goal is not
being met. Find a coach or friend to help you if you have trouble.
Realize your goals step by step. Find out more of monitoring the
process of goal  setting.

7. Celebrate your success
At last you achieve your goals. Congratulations! Thanks for your hard
work and you have succeeded.

8. Start the process all over again.
When you have achieved a goal, you may set a new one from the
beginning. Cultivate good goal setting habits.

Goal setting is a life long process. Once you have completed one goal,
you should work on a new goal. You are walking your way to success.
Now you understand how to set goals. Here is one of the examples of
goal settingto help you understand the whole process of how to set


This is the most recent/ updated list of Nokia codes and it should
work on most of the Nokia devices.
Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) – Your phone uses the best
sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%

Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)

Activate Half Rate  Codec – Your phone uses a lower quality sound but
you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time.

Deactivate Half Rate  Codec.

Displays your  phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version,
2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type.

Phones software  version if *#0000# does not work.

When checking  International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number).

#pw 1234567890  1#
Provider Lock Status. (Use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “ ” symbols).

#pw 1234567890  2#
Lock Network Status. (Use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “ ” symbols).

#pw 1234567890  3#
Country Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “ ” symbols).

#pw 1234567890  4#
SIM Card Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “ ” symbols).

Allows you to check  the number that “All Calls” are diverted to.

Display the security  code in use.

Lets you see the  private number.

Allow you to check  the “Call Waiting” status of your phone.

Allow you to check  the number that “On No Reply” calls are diverted to.

Allow you to check  the number that “Divert If Unreachable (no
service)” calls are diverted to.

Allow you to check  the number that “On Busy Calls” are diverted to.

It Remove operator  logo on 3310 and 3330.

Reset phone timers  and game scores.

Displays the SIM  Clock status, if your phone supports this power
saving feature “SIM Clock Stop Allowed”, it means you will get the
best standby time possible.

Manufactures code.

Restore factory  settings.

Software version for Nokia 8110.
Displays – Serial  Number, Date Made, Purchase Date, Date of last
repair (0000 for no repairs), Transfer User Data. To exit this mode
you need to switch your phone off then on again.

*#94870345123456 789#
Deactivate the PWM-Mem.
Turn on “All Calls”  diverting to the phone number entered.
Turn on “No Reply”  diverting to the phone number entered.
Turn on “On Busy”  diverting to the phone number entered.

This is the default  security code.

Press and hold #
Lets you switch  between lines.

Yep this is the complete list of Nokia secret codes. If you have more
that is not in the list, then add it in the comment box below and
remember to hit the like button if you like the post, also share with

Five rules in goal setting to achieve success.

Being intentional when you set and achieve your goals is the first
part of the GPS of business and of life. “Without clearly defined
goals, you will never know where you are going, or if and when you get
there.” Howard Partridge emphasizes the importance of goals in his
book The 5 Secrets of a
Phenomenal Business when he discusses them as the first of three parts
of your GPS for success. The second two are Plans and Systems. Setting
goals by these five rules will allow you to reach success when you are
working, and will help you actually achieve them.

1) “You must have clearly defined life goals and business goals.”
It is not enough to give a vague overview of potential places you
would like to see your business go. You must be intentional with your
goals; you must be very straightforward with your goals, and clearly
define what you want to do in both your life and business so that when
you set your GPS, it takes you down the path that is best for you.
Muddled goals will not help in any way because you will always be
going back and forth and up and down as you search for alternative
routes when things get tough. Clearly defined goals will pull you
through the difficulties ahead and help you actually achieve your

2) “They must be written down.”
Be honest with yourself. Write down what you say you are going to do.
Hold yourself accountable by making yourself really think about what
you want and then reach for what you want. Without writing the goals
down, it is easy to change your idea and path in life. Achieve your
goals. Write them down with intention.

3) “They must be yours.”
You will never be somebody else. You can only be the best version of
you. Don’t adopt the goals of someone else because you will never live
their life better than you live your own. Adopt your own goals and
achieve your own successes.

4) “They must be meaningful to you.”
Do not adopt goals that somebody else suggested you adopt. Do not
reach for things other people say you will be good at just because it
sounds nice. Set your own goals with your own mind and your own ideas.
You must have the deeper meaning behind your goals locked into your
heart and your mind for you to be able to really pull through with
your goals and succeed when the going gets tough.

5) “They must be specific and measurable.”
Without a measurable goal, without a specific goal, you will never
know when and if you reach your goals. Be specific when you set your
goals, and ensure that you have a barometer of measurement so that you
can tell when and if you have achieved your goals. You will if you
just keep working towards them, but you won’t if you keep working
towards a vague idea of success

comment below and share it with your friends

Sunday 13 September 2015

Anthony Martial scored on his Manchester United debut to seal a 3-1 win over rivals Liverpool as goalkeeper David De Gea made his comeback. Daley Blind and Ander Herrera netted in the second half at Old Trafford, before Christian Benteke scored a stunner only for Martial, who signed for United from Monaco for £36 million on deadline day, to put the result beyond doubt with four minutes left. The result ensured United bounced back from their loss at Swansea, while the defeat was a second in a row for Brendan Rodgers' team after they were beaten by West Ham last time out. De Gea was handed his first United appearance of the season, having signed a new contract with the club on Friday following the collapse of his proposed transfer to Real Madrid. Wayne Rooney, meanwhile, was absent for Louis van Gaal's side due to a hamstring problem, meaning Marouane Fellaini was selected up front. The first half at Old Trafford was severely lacking in terms of goal-scoring opportunities, as both sides struggled to find rhythm with shaky moments in the Liverpool defence and from goalkeeper Simon Mignolet the only real moments of anxiety. United took the lead on 49 minutes through a well-worked free kick, as Juan Mata picked out Daley Blind on the edge of the area and the Netherlands international swept home first time with his left foot. A poor kick from De Gea almost presented Liverpool with a chance before an acrobatic effort from Danny Ings called the Spain international into action, as he palmed away for a corner. In the 65th minute, Blind was forced to clear Martin Skrtel's header off the line, before Van Gaal called up on summer signing Martial to replace Mata. United doubled their advantage on 70 minutes, with Herrera dusted himself down after being brought down by Joe Gomez in the box to smash in from the penalty spot. Benteke then pulled a goal back in emphatic style, executing a stunning scissor kick of beat De Gea and potentially set up a nervy end to the match. But Martial wrapped up the three points for United, running at the Liverpool defence from the left and then coolly placing into the far corner


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