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Monday 19 October 2015

Why you need a Facebook Page (individual, business, organisation or co-operation)

"Why do I need a Facebook Page if I have a Facebook Profile?" is a question I get asked a lot. It’s a good question too! So let’s start right at the beginning. Most people know that Facebook can be a really effective way to generate leads for your business or affiliated publishers/advertisers if you use it the right way. This particular social media platform continues to consume more and more of our time and thanks to mobile devices it’s always accessible. However, if you don’t have a Facebook Page, you may be missing out on not only traffic to your website, but dropping the ball with your customers and prospects. Facebook Pages gives you a chance to engage with your customers and ultimately promote your brand.
Before diving into the reasons why you need to have a Facebook Page for your business in addition to your Profile, I want to be clear about the two.
A Facebook Profile is for personal, non-commercial use only. It represents individuals and must be held under an individual name...... A Facebook Page is for professional or official use, and allows an organization, business, celebrity, a winning/talented individual or band to maintain a presence on Facebook.
Now, that we’re crystal clear on that, here are the top reasons why you need to have a Facebook Page and not just a Facebook Profile.
With over a billion active users each month on Facebook, you may have heard that every company, whether you’re large or small, should consider getting on the social network bus.
Facebook has billions of people using it. Who are these people? They’re existing and potential customers, and on Facebook, you can get up close and personal with them. They’re an important source for growing your business and probably the best advocates – as long as you stay in touch and keep them happy. After all, happy customers lead to referrals to new happy customers, right? Happiness all around – we like that!
Not convinced? Chew on this: Of all the major social network platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Google  and Foursquare, Facebook is by far the most popular based on sheer number of users. It gets 526 million  who visit the site daily.

So, here are reasons why you need a facebook page;

Note: It's not about having the page, it's about knowing how to drive traffic to it and getting the right people to like your page. Let FP Traffic facebook pages tool (exclusive) help you.

1. Facebook could delete your Profile if it’s used to market your business.
Using your Facebook Profile to market your business is actually a violation of  Facebook’s rules and many people are unaware of this. What this means is that after spending a lot of time building up a large amount of friends Facebook can simply delete your Facebook Profile if you’re in breach. Facebook make it clear in their Terms and Conditions that your Facebook Profile is for personal and non-commercial use only.

2. You’re limited to the number of friends you can have.

Facebook limits the number of friends you can have on your Facebook Profile to 5,000. So, why spend all that time building a base of prospects and customers on your Profile only to be limited? If you’re building a serious sustainable business then you’ll have more prospects than that over your business’ lifetime. With my last business, after 13 years we had a database of 12,000 prospects. Start as you mean to go on!
3. You get to know what your prospects and customers want

Facebook gives marketers and business owners a powerful tool called Facebook  Business Pages – Successful B2B Case  Studies: A study on maximising social  tractionthat allows you to see (on a post level) how your customers and prospects react and engage with your content. Profiles don’t have this tool, only Pages do. Facebook users (on Profiles) don’t analyse how their friends react to their status updates but those of us in business care very much about this as we can post content that’s appropriate for our market and how to influence sales. You see, whether you have 255 or 22,500 likes, the only way to really profit from a business Page is to motivate your prospects, clients and customers to click, share and, eventually, act, by buying a product or signing up for an event. And, the only way to do this is by using a Facebook Page strategically! Also, I'll recommend you check FP Traffic Facebook pages tools for how to manage your page (s) effectively.
5. You can grow your prospect list faster
The best way to do this is through advertising. On a Facebook Profile you can’t really advertise, whereas on a Facebook Page you can. Advertising through Facebook is simple, effective (providing you set an effective strategy and objective) and it’s still relatively cheap.  Facebook ads build a list just like any other form of traditional marketing as well as FTP Traffic . On Facebook, you see other fans of a business or product too. You see when your friends like them. These things matter and make for more effective marketing. And, if you advertise on Facebook you’ll get access to more options and data than any other online marketing channel. For example you can target your advertising demographically and pyschographically. This means that you can target an ad to editors that work at a particular company, or target an ad at hiring managers for another company. You can target people in your  ZIP code that love a particular fashion store or brand or hobby. The options are endless. With this information and ability your business can gain access to marketing gold and relevance!

6. People want clear boundaries

A friend request is very different from asking someone to like your Facebook Page. If you’re sending friend requests as a Facebook Profile, you’re asking the ‘friend’ to allow you to see their photos, their friends list, their address, their phone number and perhaps their relationship status. Even if you customise your posts, by not allowing them to see this information it’s not great. When you ask someone to LIKE your Facebook Page, however, this is very different. You’re being completely clear from the start that you’re forming a business relationship and are there to engage on a business level. Friends can get tired of hearing about business related posts on your Profile too, whereas on a Page, that’s what they expect.
7. You can have A Third Leg?
Alternatively, a Facebook page is perfect if you have a second (perhaps moonlighting) job, or a serious hobby. If you are a techno DJ by night, and a cubicle dweller by day, your Facebook page can be a mix of your music and professional life, and you can still keep your personal bits to yourself.

9. No More Fans

Facebook was kind enough to remove the idea of being a ‘fan’ from Facebook pages, thus changing what they mean. No more 'do I have to make myself lower than you, and become your fan to interact with your page, I just have to like it'. So, one of the reason why you need a Facebook page right now is that it has never been easier.
People are more likely to like your page than they were to hit the fan button. Also, now that you don’t have a list of ‘fans’ quite a bit ostentatious elements that were previously part of having a page is gone. If people like your work, they will like it on Facebook. It’s simple.

10. Good for sharing tons of similar ideas

If you are versatile or you are very knowledgible in a particular area or field and you feel like taking your ideas to the professional level, then you should try considering having a facebook page e.g you may know a lot about fishing, make money online, human biology, car talks, sports, worldwide politics e.t.c Don't worry about getting traffic; FTP traffic is always available.

11. Keep Gossip Down

Facebook proper is an excellent and elegant way to communicate with the people you are close to. Few of us have the discipline to keep our friend count down, but you know what I mean.
People that you work with, or for, or even work for you do not need to see all of you on a personal level. If they were friends, and not coworkers, that would be different. If a coworker becomes a friend, then you can move them over. Until then, your page is where they belong.
This is for everyone’s sake. You don’t want your private life exposed, and they don’t want to hurt you by talking about it. You can nip the dragon in the tail, and direct people to your page if they want to connect until you trust them.

A Facebook page can be just about anything, so let your imagination get the best of you.
I know that when Facebook marketing is used strategically to build a database of genuine prospects and generate sales it’s an incredibly powerful tool to support the business and personal safety. Are you a believer in Facebook marketing as a business development strategy? Have you got a Facebook Profile and a Facebook Page? Then just like I said earlier, you should use FP Traffic facebook pages tool (exclusive) to get your facebook page to the apex.

FP Traffic facebook pages tool (exclusive)

 Please share your experiences and feedback in the comments below as I’d love to hear. Finally thank you, as always for reading and contributing here. If you found this useful, please share it with your friends.

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