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Wednesday 7 October 2015

Things you should never say or do to your parents

Children can overreact when their demands are not met. They go to the extreme of annoying their parents by doing and saying ugly things which never results in their favour.

It’s the little things that ruin a relationship between parents and children.
We look at 10 basic annoying and hurtful things children should avoid doing and saying to parents


  • Never backchat: When your parents scold you for your wrong doings, avoid talking back. It’s always best to keep quiet than to have your say the moment you're being reprimanded. Just acknowledge your wrongs without raising your voice.
  • Don't treat your parents like fools: Kids like to think they can outsmart their parents especially when they are forbidden from certain things. Saying you are going to watch movies at night with friends but instead you're going out to party. Parents know when they are being taken for a fool. Rather tell the truth. Your honesty makes them trust you easily.
  • Failure to clean up your room: An untidy house annoys parents. It's even worse when kids fail to clean up their rooms. Parents don’t like their children to be untidy and it annoys them more when you bring friends to visit a messy place.
  • Fighting about house chores: Your parents feed you and clothe you and in return it would be nice if children help out with the household chores. Instead of fighting with your siblings about who washed the dishes last night, how about you do them without being asked to do so. Give a little back.
  • Screaming at your parents in public: Shouting at your parents in public or in front of friends is downright disrespectful. No matter how angry you may be with them, never shout at your mother/father for people to see.
  • Stop saying 'I hate you' to your parents: Not only is it childish to use such words but they are blunt and hurtful to your parents.
  •  “You don’t love me”: This gem is reinstated by kids when they are denied from having their own way. Parents should not worry about reassuring their kids that they love them, they know you do.
  • “I’m going to kill myself”: Teenagers often like to make suicide threats to their parents. It's not fair on your parents when you say such things. Grow up.
  • “I wish you were dead”: This is an awful thing to say. Kids should not say things they will live to regret. Wishing your parents dead is unpleasant. There are kids without parents who wish they were still alive. Rather love your folks unconditionally no matter how irritating they get. Be grateful you have parents.
  • Never insult your parents’ appearance: Telling them they are fat or that they don’t know how to dress is insulting your parents and is very hurtful. The way they look probably has a lot to do with the sacrifices they made to give you a better life. Try complimenting them every now and then.

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