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Thursday 22 October 2015

How you can make $750 pure profit In 7 days by just performing 4 tasks.

I'm not going to bore you with stories in this post. I just want to share with you how you can make $750  pure profit in 7 days.

Image result for EXCESSMONEY
Task 2: Checkout their millions of products and find your favourite to purchase.
Task 3: Go to and Advertise whichever products you have bought from ALI EXPRESS ONLINE STORE
Task 4: Promote the olx link of your add on your facebook page (s) or group(s).
Task 5: Get ready to start profitting from your wares.
I'll suggest Ali Express Online Store and because they are both available worldwide.


Its so obvious some people still have problem selling their products. I have a lot of people that do ask me to show them how they can easily market their products. We all know that Importation business is very profitable especially where you have an online store like ALI EXPRESS ONLINE STORE. Well, that is only if you have the market to sell your goods to and you have devised a channel to get it acrossed to them.
I believe you have heared about OLX. One way or the other you should have come acrossed their advert on T.V. For those who haven't heard of it, OLX is the world's biggest classified platform. Its a platform where buyers gets to meet sellers for various goods and services.

At first, go to ALI EXPRESS ONLINE STORE and look for a good product to buy. I'll recommend Ali Express for these three (3) reasons:
1. They have what ever you wanna buy. Just name it; mobile phones, laptops, kitchen utencils, interior decoration items, women and men wears/underwears, belt, wrist watches, purses, as little as a memory card, lip stick, hanker-chief, car charger or USB cables, cars, accessories, jewelleries, beauty products, joy sticks, fashion items e.t.c. Just name it.
2. They sell in wholesales and retails i.e whatever quantity you want; 1 or 100.
3. Their products are very cheap, i mean too cheap for you to miss out. Very cheap relative to prices in stores. It is good for personal shopping. Please, permit me to call it the best online store.

A friend of mine bought just 2 pieces of wrist watches and applied this strategy. Now MASTER_cee has to buy more of those two samples to satisfy his many buyers.
After purchasing from Ali Express Online Store , your purchased items/goods should arrive at your door step in a few days.

As soon as your items arrives, create a simple but sweet and convincing advert on . You should provided enough pictures so that people can have good view of the products. And make sure its not too expensive. After that, promote the link on Facebook to some groups which you belong to.
Since it has to do with advertising,  read this post on WHY YOU NEED A FACEBOOK PAGE.

Note : To make the advert more efficient, create your page on facebook and quickly refer to FP TRAFFIC FACEBOOK PAGES TOOLS EXCLUSIVE Facebook pages tools so as to know how to get concerened people to like your page(s) .


 Within a few hours, you should get your first order for any of your items just like my friend. He told me he had two pieces order of one of the wrist watches and he didn't hesitate to send the watches to his first client using waybill/public Transport. 2 days later she ordered for 30 pieces.

To cut the story short, he said he sold more than 140 pieces in 7 days because orders kept coming in everyday from different part of the country for just 2 samples of wrist watches.
So far he made $750  in pure profit just for the simple adverts he placed on OLX.

So what are you waiting for, start by getting a product from ALI EXPRESS ONLINE STORE

Good luck.

Don't forget to drop your comments as i would love to know your opinions.
Share with your friends on social media.


When we think of American classics our minds jump to the comforting standbys we grew up with: burgers, fried chicken, meatloaf, chocolate chip cookies, and potato salad. Here are some of our all-time favorites that will never get old no matter how often we eat them.
Celebrate America's heritage with classic dishes that will take you right back to Mom’s kitchen table.

Below are four(4) best American recipe books.

1. DIVINE EATS RECIPE BOOK. Chicken tonight.




PALEO MEAL PLAN provides meal plans, shopping lists, and recipes as a membership service to help facilitate people following the paleo diet.
Why use Paleo Plan
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SOLVE THIS RIDDLE: I am something; I can make you SPEAK and UNDERSTAND many WORLD languages. What am I?

Yeah, solve this riddle.

I am something, I can make you speak and understand English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin, Russian, Portuguese, German, Japanese, Hindustani (Hindi/Urdu), Malay, Farsi (Persian), Swahili, Tamil, Italian, Dutch/Africaans, Bengali, Turkish, Vietnamese, Polish, Javanese, Punjabi, Thai, Cantonese, Korean and a lot more (as you wish); WHAT AM I?

You don't have to crack your heads up for the answer. The answer is ITALKI .


ITALKI has made foreign languages local to some extent.


* learning foreign languages got more easier.
* language barrier got reduced.
* children born outside their country get to know more about their native language.
* foreign business is encouraged.
* you get an Improved understanding of the world.
* your self-expression excitingly takes on a multitude of forms.
* Your interactions with people of different cultures go deeper.
* You feel a sense of connection with your heritage, history and family.
* You notice and appreciate the things that are sometimes lost in translation.
* you can create job opportunities for yourself and help you navigate the world.
* You can understand and appreciate cultural references and nuisances.

ITALKI serves you multiple languages in a tray.

           DONT MISS OUT

Doing away with excess body fats; The best weight loss strategy.

Body Fat and Health Risk

Why would you want to know how much body fat you have? Having too little or too much body fat can be unhealthy.

Too little body fat:
Image result for overweight
* Is linked to problems with normal, healthy functioning in both men and women.
* Can lead to problems with reproduction in women.

Too much body fat:
* Increases the risk of many diseases, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and certain cancers.
* When located around the abdomen, increases the risk even further of developing the above conditions.

Diseases associated with an excess of body fat worsen as the amount of body fat increases. However, now for the good news: When body fat returns to within acceptable ranges, the body can return to normal healthy functioning and the risk for developing the diseases mentioned above decreases.

If you’re carrying many extra pounds, you face a higher-than-average risk of a whopping 50 different health problems. These health conditions include the nation’s leading causes of death—heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain cancers—as well as less common ailments such as gout and gallstones. Perhaps even more compelling is the strong link between excess weight and depression, because this common mood disorder can have a profound, negative impact on your daily life.
In the fashion world, a man or woman who gains excess fat is found unattractive. Some women find it difficult to get a good partner just because of excess fat in their body.

But the good news is, TO EVERY PROBLEM, THERE IS AT LEAST A SOLUTION. Every person suffering from excess body fats and excessive extral pounds has a quick and convinient way to loose all those thrash in no time.

I'll recommend you use CARALLUMA.........

CARALLUMA is an Appetite Suppressant and Fat Burner. It works for weight loss, by suppressing hunger.
It is considered an excellent weight loss supplement for fast weight loss.


CARALLUMA contains a revolutionary new ingredient that clinical research suggests helps suppress the appetite. The guaranteed-potency extract of the Indian herb CARALLUMA fimbriata works naturally in the body to help reduce your appetite so it won't undermine your weight-loss efforts. When used together with a reduced calorie diet and regular exercise, it may be just the thing you need to start shedding unwanted pounds!



Monday 19 October 2015

Ali Express; The World's best online shopping store.

As of today, a large number of people are reliant on online shopping for their needs. The wave started off in America and slowly gained linkling around the world. As of today, it is slowly spreading in 3rd world countries such as India and China. It is bound to create ruffles to a point where it will silence everyone and slowly become a habit.

The shops already think of online retails as a threat to their business. Where this war is going to go; only time will tell! However, as far as the consumer is concerned, it becomes difficult for him to make a choice. Here is the world's top online shopping site that will help you out.

ALI EXPRESS ONLINE STORE hold's the answer.....


ALI EXPRESS ONLINE STORE is also one of the most popular online shopping portals and it lets you buy a large number of products from its portal at very cheap and affordable prizes. It is an immensely popular website amongst the masses and one that has been extensively used as well. Ali Express Online Store is a gravely famous website with the people of the world. It has a large variety of products ranging from biology to agriculture to chemicals and everything shall be delivered at your doorstep. Once you have placed your order, the procedure and the payment methods are fairly convenient and you will easily have access to the items that you have ordered. The shopping portal allows you to buy in bulk or in bits.
Alibaba's subbrand, ALI EXPRESS ONLINE STORE , is the world's No. 1 Ecommerce brand, targeting consumers worldwide. Product categories include: electronics, fashion apparel, home & garden, jewelry, automotive, beauty & health, toys & kids items, sports, etc. The product range is comparable to Taobao (also owned by Alibaba) and Ali Express online store is considered a higher quality brand for eCommerce.

Whatever it is you wanna buy (just name it), I can assure you it is available at ALI EXPRESS ONLINE STORE , place your orders now...... AT  ALI EXPRESS ONLINE STORE

Health risks of snoring and an everlasting solution to it.

Just about everyone snores occasionally, but if snoring happens frequently it can affect the quantity and quality of your sleep and that of your family members and roommates. Snoring can lead to poor sleep and daytime fatigue, irritability, and increased health problems. If your snoring keeps your partner awake, it can also create major relationship problems. Thankfully, sleeping in separate bedrooms isn’t the only remedy for snoring. There is another effective solution available to help both you and your partner sleep better at night and deal with the relationship problems caused when one person snores. THE SNORELESS PILLOW

What is snoring?

Snoring happens when you can't move air freely through your nose and throat during sleep. This makes the surrounding tissues vibrate, which produces the familiar snoring sound. People who snore often have too much throat and nasal tissue or “floppy” tissue that is more prone to vibrate. The position of your tongue can also get in the way of smooth breathing.
Snoring is a common condition that can affect anyone, although it occurs more frequently in men and people who are overweight. Snoring has a tendency to worsen with age.
Occasional snoring is usually not very serious and is mostly a nuisance for your bed partner. However, if you are a habitual snorer, you not only disrupt the sleep patterns of those close to you, but you also impair your own sleep quality. Medical assistance (SNORELESS PILLOW) is often needed for habitual snorers (and their loved ones) to get a good night's sleep.

Health Risks associated With Snoring.

Snorers can be at risk for serious health problems, including obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea creates several problems, including:
* Interruptions of breathing (lasting from a few seconds to minutes) during sleep caused by partial or total obstruction or blockage of the airway.
* Frequent waking from sleep, even though you may not realize it.
* Light sleeping. Waking up so many times a night interferes with the normal pattern of sleep causing more time to be spent in light sleep than in more restorative, deeper sleep.
* Strain on the heart. Prolonged suffering from obstructive sleep apnea often results in higher blood pressure and may cause enlargement of the heart, with higher risks of heart attack and stroke.
*.Poor night's sleep. This leads to drowsiness during the day and can interfere with your quality of life and increase risk for car accidents.

The Best and recommended solution to Snoring or to prevent it at all.

Snoring itself may be a very dangerous disease. Even if you don't snore, I'll strongly advice that you take to this everlasting solution to snoring; Even your doctors would tell you that it is better to prevent an illness then to ignore it till it comes and perform a high level danmage to your system, it is then you would start to cure it i.e "PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE".
This everlasting solution to snoring is 'The SNORELESS PILLOW .


This SNORELESS PILLOW is designed by specialists and is a tested and trusted anti-snore medication. It
* elevates, aligns and opens the throat airway for healthier breathing and quieter evenings for all.
* Recessed-core support properly cradles the head, elevates and aligns to open up airways.
* Raises chin off chest for efficient snore reduction.
* Enhances support for head and neck.
* Proven to relieve minor head, neck and shoulder pain & mild acid reflux.
* fits into any standard pillow case.

Medical Indications of Use:

* May be used as a treatment to eliminate mild obstructive sleep apnea.
* May be used to stop or decrease snoring
* May be used to improve the quality of sleep
* May be used to reduce daytime sleepiness and fatigue

What You Might Expect:

* A significant decrease or complete elimination of snoring
* An improvement in oxygen saturation
* A higher quality of restful sleep
* Longer periods of uninterrupted sleep.


"As a physician and husband of a snoring & GERD sufferer I must say I'm pleasantly surprised with the effectiveness and comfort of your pillow. True to my profession I was skeptical that your pillow could relieve my wife's snoring and acid reflux. I'm happy to report that I was wrong. Since she began using the SNORELESS PILLOW she has not had any further episodes."
Thomas Madroski, M.D.
Pulmonary & Respiratory Care

"It's the best investment I've ever made in my marriage. I'll never sleep on another pillow."
B. Appenzeller - IA

"When I first received my SNORELESS PILLOW I stacked it on top of my regular pillow and now I sleep on my back and side comfortably without any snoring or acid reflux. My job includes extensive traveling and my pillow goes everywhere I go. Thank you SnoreLess!"
G. Pendleton - VA

"For those who suffer with acid reflux I recommend that you try it. My husband bought one for his snoring and I noticed on the brochure it may help with acid reflux so I had to try it. I slept on it one night and never gave it back. It knocked out my acid reflux and I ordered him a new one for his snoring issue."
B. Adams - AK

"I wake up and feel rested, my throat isn't dry or sore from snoring and I'm refreshed. What's best is my wife is still in bed with me."
D. Brown - WI


It is one thing to know the cure and it is another to implement it. If you have loved ones that snores or shows any symptoms, don't hesitate get for them but don't be defrauded. The original is not availible in stores worldwide but can be gotten directly from the manufacturer. It is available to anyone from any part of the world.
       Get yours now. ORDER SNORELESS PILLOW NOW

Get your SNORELESS PILLOW now and eradicate snoring for a quiet evening for all.

I would really appreciate if you can share this good news with your readers, friends on social media and loved ones.


Why you need a Facebook Page (individual, business, organisation or co-operation)

"Why do I need a Facebook Page if I have a Facebook Profile?" is a question I get asked a lot. It’s a good question too! So let’s start right at the beginning. Most people know that Facebook can be a really effective way to generate leads for your business or affiliated publishers/advertisers if you use it the right way. This particular social media platform continues to consume more and more of our time and thanks to mobile devices it’s always accessible. However, if you don’t have a Facebook Page, you may be missing out on not only traffic to your website, but dropping the ball with your customers and prospects. Facebook Pages gives you a chance to engage with your customers and ultimately promote your brand.
Before diving into the reasons why you need to have a Facebook Page for your business in addition to your Profile, I want to be clear about the two.
A Facebook Profile is for personal, non-commercial use only. It represents individuals and must be held under an individual name...... A Facebook Page is for professional or official use, and allows an organization, business, celebrity, a winning/talented individual or band to maintain a presence on Facebook.
Now, that we’re crystal clear on that, here are the top reasons why you need to have a Facebook Page and not just a Facebook Profile.
With over a billion active users each month on Facebook, you may have heard that every company, whether you’re large or small, should consider getting on the social network bus.
Facebook has billions of people using it. Who are these people? They’re existing and potential customers, and on Facebook, you can get up close and personal with them. They’re an important source for growing your business and probably the best advocates – as long as you stay in touch and keep them happy. After all, happy customers lead to referrals to new happy customers, right? Happiness all around – we like that!
Not convinced? Chew on this: Of all the major social network platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Google  and Foursquare, Facebook is by far the most popular based on sheer number of users. It gets 526 million  who visit the site daily.

So, here are reasons why you need a facebook page;

Note: It's not about having the page, it's about knowing how to drive traffic to it and getting the right people to like your page. Let FP Traffic facebook pages tool (exclusive) help you.

1. Facebook could delete your Profile if it’s used to market your business.
Using your Facebook Profile to market your business is actually a violation of  Facebook’s rules and many people are unaware of this. What this means is that after spending a lot of time building up a large amount of friends Facebook can simply delete your Facebook Profile if you’re in breach. Facebook make it clear in their Terms and Conditions that your Facebook Profile is for personal and non-commercial use only.

2. You’re limited to the number of friends you can have.

Facebook limits the number of friends you can have on your Facebook Profile to 5,000. So, why spend all that time building a base of prospects and customers on your Profile only to be limited? If you’re building a serious sustainable business then you’ll have more prospects than that over your business’ lifetime. With my last business, after 13 years we had a database of 12,000 prospects. Start as you mean to go on!
3. You get to know what your prospects and customers want

Facebook gives marketers and business owners a powerful tool called Facebook  Business Pages – Successful B2B Case  Studies: A study on maximising social  tractionthat allows you to see (on a post level) how your customers and prospects react and engage with your content. Profiles don’t have this tool, only Pages do. Facebook users (on Profiles) don’t analyse how their friends react to their status updates but those of us in business care very much about this as we can post content that’s appropriate for our market and how to influence sales. You see, whether you have 255 or 22,500 likes, the only way to really profit from a business Page is to motivate your prospects, clients and customers to click, share and, eventually, act, by buying a product or signing up for an event. And, the only way to do this is by using a Facebook Page strategically! Also, I'll recommend you check FP Traffic Facebook pages tools for how to manage your page (s) effectively.
5. You can grow your prospect list faster
The best way to do this is through advertising. On a Facebook Profile you can’t really advertise, whereas on a Facebook Page you can. Advertising through Facebook is simple, effective (providing you set an effective strategy and objective) and it’s still relatively cheap.  Facebook ads build a list just like any other form of traditional marketing as well as FTP Traffic . On Facebook, you see other fans of a business or product too. You see when your friends like them. These things matter and make for more effective marketing. And, if you advertise on Facebook you’ll get access to more options and data than any other online marketing channel. For example you can target your advertising demographically and pyschographically. This means that you can target an ad to editors that work at a particular company, or target an ad at hiring managers for another company. You can target people in your  ZIP code that love a particular fashion store or brand or hobby. The options are endless. With this information and ability your business can gain access to marketing gold and relevance!

6. People want clear boundaries

A friend request is very different from asking someone to like your Facebook Page. If you’re sending friend requests as a Facebook Profile, you’re asking the ‘friend’ to allow you to see their photos, their friends list, their address, their phone number and perhaps their relationship status. Even if you customise your posts, by not allowing them to see this information it’s not great. When you ask someone to LIKE your Facebook Page, however, this is very different. You’re being completely clear from the start that you’re forming a business relationship and are there to engage on a business level. Friends can get tired of hearing about business related posts on your Profile too, whereas on a Page, that’s what they expect.
7. You can have A Third Leg?
Alternatively, a Facebook page is perfect if you have a second (perhaps moonlighting) job, or a serious hobby. If you are a techno DJ by night, and a cubicle dweller by day, your Facebook page can be a mix of your music and professional life, and you can still keep your personal bits to yourself.

9. No More Fans

Facebook was kind enough to remove the idea of being a ‘fan’ from Facebook pages, thus changing what they mean. No more 'do I have to make myself lower than you, and become your fan to interact with your page, I just have to like it'. So, one of the reason why you need a Facebook page right now is that it has never been easier.
People are more likely to like your page than they were to hit the fan button. Also, now that you don’t have a list of ‘fans’ quite a bit ostentatious elements that were previously part of having a page is gone. If people like your work, they will like it on Facebook. It’s simple.

10. Good for sharing tons of similar ideas

If you are versatile or you are very knowledgible in a particular area or field and you feel like taking your ideas to the professional level, then you should try considering having a facebook page e.g you may know a lot about fishing, make money online, human biology, car talks, sports, worldwide politics e.t.c Don't worry about getting traffic; FTP traffic is always available.

11. Keep Gossip Down

Facebook proper is an excellent and elegant way to communicate with the people you are close to. Few of us have the discipline to keep our friend count down, but you know what I mean.
People that you work with, or for, or even work for you do not need to see all of you on a personal level. If they were friends, and not coworkers, that would be different. If a coworker becomes a friend, then you can move them over. Until then, your page is where they belong.
This is for everyone’s sake. You don’t want your private life exposed, and they don’t want to hurt you by talking about it. You can nip the dragon in the tail, and direct people to your page if they want to connect until you trust them.

A Facebook page can be just about anything, so let your imagination get the best of you.
I know that when Facebook marketing is used strategically to build a database of genuine prospects and generate sales it’s an incredibly powerful tool to support the business and personal safety. Are you a believer in Facebook marketing as a business development strategy? Have you got a Facebook Profile and a Facebook Page? Then just like I said earlier, you should use FP Traffic facebook pages tool (exclusive) to get your facebook page to the apex.

FP Traffic facebook pages tool (exclusive)

 Please share your experiences and feedback in the comments below as I’d love to hear. Finally thank you, as always for reading and contributing here. If you found this useful, please share it with your friends.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Most Populous Cities of the World

The following tables lists the most populous cities in the world. Data includes the most recent figures available.
Shanghai, China
Istanbul, Turkey
Karachi, Pakistan
Mumbai, India
Moscow, Russia
Manila, Philippines
São Paulo, Brazil
Beijing, China
Tianjin, China
Guangzhou, China
Delhi, India
Seoul, South Korea
Shenzhen, China
Jakarta, Indonesia
Tokyo, Japan
Mexico City, Mexico
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Bangalore, India
New York City, United States

NOTES: “c” = census figure; “e” = estimated; “p” = preliminary census figure.

17 African Cultural Values (To Know Before You Travel to Africa)

In Africa, actions speak louder than words, especially if there is a barrier between languages.
In an effort to contextualize and be mindful of a complex mindset and worldview, here are a few African cultural values to be aware of when traveling in Africa!

1. Greeting – Hello and a Handshake

Greeting people in Africa is one of the most important things you can do.  A quick “hello,” paired with a handshake is a sufficient way to make a positive first impression with anyone.


2. Show Respect to Elders

African Cultural Customs

African cultural values are based on a foundation of the past and present, a leading reason why elders are so well respected.  Always acknowledge an elder, let them ask questions, and during mealtime elders should be served first.

3. Pointing At Things

Pointing at something or someone with the index finger is usually considered rude or just straight offensive – it’s not something you want to do. Different ethnic groups have different ways of pointing, but the method I usually employ is poking my chin in the right direction and widening my eyes.

4. Overhand Motion Calling

Avoid motioning to call a person with an upwards palm.  The preferred method is to call someone over with the palm faced down and pulling the fingers inwards.

5. Sole of the Foot

Just like in many cultures around the world, the very bottom of your foot is the very dirtiest part of your body.  Try not to directly point your foot sole towards anyone.

6. Eat with the Right Hand Ugali, Tanzanian Food

You might have heard this before, the right hand is for eating food and the left hand is reserved for the unsanitary task of what happens afterward.  Whatever you do, don’t touch African food with your left hand!

7. Hissing and Kissing Sounds

To call the attention of someone is often performed with a hissing or loud smack of the lips.  If you are not expecting it, the sounds might come as a surprise, but it’s totally acceptable and very common.

8. Silence is an African Value

Don’t be alarmed or nervous with spans of silence during African conversation.  When there’s something to be said, it will be said; when there’s nothing to be said, silence is perfectly fine.  There’s no need to feel uneasy during a period of silence in Africa, take the time just to enjoy the presence of others.

9. Time – A Little Less ImportantVisiting Family in Tanzania

Despite the use of clocks to tell “what time it is,” African clocks work differently; things fall into place as they unfold.  An African worldview does not focus far into the future, but dwells more on past events and whatever is happening currently.  Future scheduled times can’t be rushed and thinking so will only make one more and more frustrated.

10. Use Flexibility

Africa will teach you to be flexible. Closely relating to how future-time is of less importance, schedules aren’t always at the forefront of lifestyle.  If a plan gets shut down or changes drastically, there’s not always something you can do besides accept it and continue with a positive attitude.

11. Do NOT Publicly Show Anger, Frustration, or Impatience

Though circumstances have potential to become frustrating, it’s highly important to NOT publicly display any sort of negative feeling in public. Africans have incredible self control, being careful not to offend or shame anyone in public.

12. Positive CommunicationAfrican Smile

Positive communication is a key African cultural value. Along with not displaying public negativity there are countless ways to express “good,” or “ok.”  Don’t immediately get into a discussion about a hardship or struggle, these topics can be gradually be brought forth.

13. Relationships Matter

With future-time a little less important, current time is of extreme value.  Meeting people and spending time with others to develop lasting relationships is an aspect of African culture that is truly cherished.

14. Don’t Talk Too Much During a Meal

Simple small talk is permissible, but don’t try to talk too much business or seriousness during a meal.  Serious issues are handled after the meal.

15. Receive a Gift With Both Hands

If someone graciously gives you a gift, a non-verbal way to show extreme thankfulness is to accept it with both hands outstretched.

16.  The Un-Stated – “Sorry We’re Out”

There will inevitably be a circumstance in Africa where you go to a restaurant, order a dish, and a totally different dish is served to you – no questions asked. You will naturally complain, saying “this is not the dish I ordered.”  The waiter will shyly back away and simply tell you that what you ordered was not available. It can be a bit frustrating to say the least (remember #10, 11, and 12, and that African flexibility!).

17. Personal Space

It might seem odd (or even drive you crazy) when you are the only person on an empty bus and another person gets on and sits down right next to you. Imagine growing up in a single room with 10 people living together, or living with a clan of extended family; your idea of personal space might be a little different thinking in African terms.
African Cultural Values
African Cultural Values - Rwanda
In the end, remember that Africans are extremely gracious and caring people, ready to go the extra mile to respect and service others. Hopefully if we can understand a bit of African cultural values when we travel to Africa, we can make a positive impression; showing respect that will leave lasting memories!

These Are The Most Popular Foods In America

New DATA from the USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) lets you peek into the kitchens of Americans and find out how they’re eating—based on what they’re buying. The ERS’s Food Availability data measures yearly supplies of several food commodities in the U.S., and this year, some of the most interesting results are that sweet foods like ice cream appear to dropping, though we tend to mostly like our fruit in juice form and pizza and tomatoes round out our favorite veggies. We eat very little of the healthier ones like romaine lettuce or even sweet corn. Chicken is outpacing beef by a longshot, and yes: we still love mozzarella cheese.
The data also shows that we are not following the MyPlate government eating recommendations, and most of our calories are coming from grain products and fats and oils. Check out the graphs below for a look at the American dinner.
Americans are losing their sweet tooth (or are switching to other sources of non-calorie sweeteners):
FFood-availability_fig03 copy
Mozzarella is still Americans’ favorite cheese, followed by Cheddar.

Food-availability_fig02 (2) copy
The availability of chicken is higher than beef, so we eat more of it:
food-availability_fig01 copy
Potatoes and tomatoes are, perhaps unsurprisingly, far and away the most commonly consumed vegetables:
FOood-availability_fig06 copy
Oranges and apples are Americans’ top fruits, but mostly in juice form:
FOOd-availability_fig07 copy

Greatest Footballers Of All-Time

The 2014 World Cup will be remembered as one of the most exciting and entertaining ever. The beautiful game sparks so much attention that it’s impossible to ignore the sport’s rich history.
Discussions about Argentina, Germany, Brazil and the Netherlands in 2014 can quickly morph into discussions of past World Cups, and how countries had previously competed and the players they boasted of on their roster.
The subject of which players are better than others can spark intense opinions and debate. That’s why we’ve decided to place ourselves in the heart of a long-standing argument.
Like any list, our Top 50 Greatest Players List should be taken with a grain of salt. How does one judge the level of greatness between a striker and a right back? How can a central midfielder be ranked at No. 43 and a goalkeeper at No. 16?
The criteria for our selections include the player’s impact on their era and their position, as well as the contributions they provided for their club and country.
This list includes the rank of the player, and the country they represented.
Let the debate begin:
50. Kenny Dalglish, Scotland
49. Zbigniew Boniek, Poland
48. Matthias Sindelar, Austria
47. Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, West Germany
46. Rivelino, Brazil
45. Just Fontaine, France
44. Roberto Carlos, Brazil
43. Andres Iniesta, Spain
42. Ruud Gullit, Netherlands
41. Uwe Seeler, West Germany
40. Michael Laudrup, Denmark
39. Andrea Pirlo, Italy
38. George Weah, Liberia
37. Thierry Henry, France
36. Gianluigi Buffon, Italy
35. Gianni Rivera, Italy
34. Hugo Sánchez, Mexico
33. Nilton Santos, Brazil
32. John Charles, Wales
31. Ronaldinho, Brazil
30. Enzo Francescoli, Uruguay
29. Cafu, Brazil
28. Mario Kempes, Argentina
27. Socrates, Brazil
26. Giuseppe Meazza, Italy
25. Xavi Hernández, Spain
24. Djalma Santos, Brazil
23. Bobby Moore, England
22. Lothar Matthäus, West Germany
21. Bobby Charlton, England
20. Marco Van Basten, Netherlands
19. Ronaldo, Brazil
18. Zico, Brazil
17. Franco Baresi, Italy
16. Dino Zoff, Italy
15. Gerd Muller, Germany
14. Eusebio, Portugal
13. Michel Platini, France
12. Paolo Maldini, Italy
11. George Best, Northern Ireland
And now without further ado, here is the Top 10…
10. Garrincha, Brazil 
His nickname in Brazil, “The Joy of the People,” tells much about what Garrincha offered on the pitch. Born with both legs that bent to one side, the boy from Rio, whose demons ultimately caught up with him, befuddled defenders with the kind of dribbling and ability to change direction never before witnessed. While Pele is the Brazilian known around the globe, many in his home country have more love for Garrincha. When Pele was injured, it was Garrincha who inspired Brazil to their second World Cup triumph in 1962.
9. Ferenc Puskas, Hungary
The Galloping Major was a part of two of the greatest teams of all time. The most integral part of the “Magical Magyars” Hungary side of the early 1950s, Puskas and his teammates appeared certaint to lift the 1954 World Cup, but somehow lost in the final to Germany after Puskas had put them ahead and was then controversially denied an equalizer in the dying stages. Thankfully, his brilliant career did taste glory at club level, having won three European Cups with Real Madrid, including in 1960 when he scored four in the famous 7-3 defeat of Eintracht Frankfurt.

8. Alfredo di Stefano, Argentina, Colombia and Spain
In marking his sad passing this week, Real Madrid had no qualms about declaring Di Stefano “the best player of all time” in a headline on their website. It is not hard to see why. Born in Argentina, but having also turned out at international level for Colombia and Spain, Di Stefano played a key role in the history of European soccer, having famously come close to joining Barcelona before moving to arch rivals Real Madrid, and becoming an integral figure in the Spanish side winning the first five European Cups.

7. Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal
CR7 comes in at No. 7 and for good reason. He has shown little sign that he won’t continue to be the brightest of stars on a Real Madrid squad filled with world-class players. Once criticized for lacking end product, he has developed into the world’s most effective player, a testament to his relentless desire for self-improvement, which can also be seen in his phenomenal athleticism.

6. Franz Beckenbauer, Germany
For decades every defender with any remote ability on the ball has earned comparisons to Beckenbauer, but none have matched the graceful brilliance with which the man nicknamed Der Kaiser strode forward with the ball and initiated attacks during the 1960s and ’70s. The scorer of an impressive five goals in World Cups, Beckenbauer finally lifted the trophy as captain in 1974 after suffering painful defeat in the 1966 final.

5. Zinedine Zidane, France
Scored two goals with his head to lead France to victory in the 1998 World Cup final, but it was with his feet that Zidane brilliantly cut teams to shreds. He was a maestro with the ball, weaving passes with perfect weight to his teammates. A clutch performer, Zidane almost single-handedly inspired France to the World cup final in 2006. It came four years after he scored one of the all-time great goals in a European Cup final to win the trophy with Real Madrid.

4. Johan Cruyff, Netherlands
The most recognizable member of the great Dutch team of the 1970s that revolutionized the game with their Total Football, Cruyff was the total footballer. While nominally a center-forward, the Amsterdam-native was ahead of his time in dropping deep to the befuddlement of his opponents. Sadly, fell agonizingly short of winning the World Cup, but won three straight European Cups with Ajax.

3. Diego Maradona, Argentina
Maradona played in an era when defenders were allowed to get away with brutalizing their more skilled opponents, and yet he was still majestic. A hero for leading Italian club Napoli to their first and still only two Serie A titles, his greatest achievement came when he inspired Argentina to World Cup success in 1986, scoring mesmeric goals in both the quarterfinals and semifinals.

2. Lionel Messi, Argentina
The key member of the greatest club team in history as Barcelona have dominated Europe, Messi can change a game in an instant with unfathomable close control while gliding forward at lightning speed. The Argentinian has answered doubts about his ability to perform for his country and could now complete his legacy by leading them to World Cup glory.

1. Pelé, Brazil
Bookended his career at the top level with World Cup wins, first as a brilliant 17-year-old in 1958 and then 12 years later as part of one of the greatest teams to ever grace the competition. In between he picked up another winner’s medal in 1962, although was injured during the tournament. The all-time top scorer for Brazil, Pele fired in a total of 1,281 goals during a glittering career.

Inspiring Quotes from U.S. Presidents That Will Change Your Life

A leader is someone who inspires others, who leads by example and motivates people to be better and move forward no matter how hard the challenges might be.  No matter if they’re leading a country, a business, a household or a team. These are some inspiring quotes from U.S. presidents which will motivate the leader within yourself.

“Ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who make excuses.” ― George Washington (1732–1799)

“The harder the conflict, thegreater the triumph.” ― George Washington

“Honesty is the first chapter of the book wisdom.” ― Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826)

“On matters of style, swim with the current, on matters of principle, stand like a rock.” ― Thomas Jefferson

“The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty.” ― James Madison (1751–1836)

“If tyranny and oppression come to this land it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” ― James Madison

“A little flattery will support a man through great fatigue” ― James Monroe (1758–1831)

“Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.” ― John Quincy Adams (1767–1848)

“Try and fail, but don’t fail to try.” ― John Quincy Adams

“One man with courage makes a majority.” ― Andrew Jackson (1767–1845)

“It’s easier to do a job right, than to explain why you didn’t.” ― Martin Van Buren (1782–1862)

“There is nothing more corrupting, nothing more destructive of the noblest and finest feelings of our nature, than the exercise of unlimited power.” ― William Henry Harrison (1773–1841)

“It is not strange… to mistake change for progress” ― Millard Fillmore (1800–1874)

“You don’t know what you can miss before you try.” ― Franklin Pierce (1804–1869)

“I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards” ― Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865)

“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years” ― Abraham Lincoln

“”Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today.” ― Abraham Lincoln

“Whatever you are, be a good one.” ― Abraham Lincoln

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” ― Abraham Lincoln

“There are men and women who make the world better just by being the kind of people they are. They have the gift of kindness or courage or loyalty or integrity. It really matters very little whether they are behind the weel of a truck or running a business or bringing up a family. They teach the truth by living it.” ― James Garfield (1831–1881)

“If wrinkles must be written on our brow, let them not be written on our heart. The spirit should never grow old.”  ― James Garfield 

“Great lives never go out; they go on.” ― Benjamin Harrison (1833–1901)

“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” ― Theodore Roosevelt  (1858–1919)

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ― Theodore Roosevelt

“Be patient and calm; no one can catch a fish with anger.” ― Herbert Hoover  (1874–1964)

“Words without actions are the assassins of idealism.” ― Herbert Hoover

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt, (1882–1945)

“Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight- it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” ― Dwight D. Eisenhower

“Never question another man’s motive. His wisdom, yes, but not his motives.” ― Dwight D. Eisenhower

“It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” ― Harry S. Truman (1884–1972)

“Never waste a minute thinking about people you don’t like.” ― Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890–1969)

“The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger–but recognize the opportunity.” ― John F. Kennedy (1917–1963)

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” ― John F. Kennedy

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.” ― John F. Kennedy

“One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” ― John F. Kennedy

“Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” ― John F. Kennedy

“We become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.” ― Jimmy Carter (born 1924)

“Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, leave the rest to God.” ― Ronald Reagan  (1911–2004)

“I have opinions of my own – strong opinions – but I don’t always agree with them.” ― George H.W. Bush (born 1924)

“A volunteer is a person who can see what others cannot see; who can feel what most do not feel. Often, such gifted persons do not think of themselves as volunteers, but as citizens – citizens in the fullest sense: partners in civilization.” ― George H.W. Bush

“We all do better when we work together. Our differences do matter, but our common humanity matters more.” ― Bill Clinton  (born 1946)

“When our memories outweigh our dreams, it is then that we become old.” ― Bill Clinton

“There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.” George W. Bush  (born 1946)

“If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress” ― Barack Obama  (born 1961)

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” ― Barack Obama

“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” ― Barack Obama

“Yes We Can!” ― Barack Obama